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2020 is almost over and I think the only 2020 release I played was the C&C remaster.

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Game developers who I love

Game developers whose games I love, and who consistently make good games, or have made classics which I return to over decades.

List items

  • Heretic, Hexen, Soldier of Fortune are fantastic games which I keep returning to, especially Hexen.

    Also, one of few developers that manage to create good or even great license titles.

  • From Commander Keen to Quake and beyond. Consistently good games, though a few have been less inspired than others over the years, but this is easily excused when you consider that they have made some of the most fantastic and influential games ever.

  • Created the Wizardry series, and with that just about the entire first person RPG genre, inspired the battle systems in many JRPGs, and kept supporting their products several years after the company went bankrupt.

  • While their last few games might be of questionable quality (I haven't played either Mercs 2 or The Saboteur, so I can't comment on them), they did provide fantastic support for several of their titles, most notably Battlezone II, which continued to get patches up until the studio was closed in 2009.