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Worst Games I Own

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  • Also one of the weirdest games I own. This game had players explore Pac-Man's "New Adventures", including getting milk at the grocery store for Pac-Baby, going to the arcade, taking a walk across a mountain, and trying hang-gliding. However, the player had no direct control over the Pacster, oh no, that would be too convenient. Instead, players had to guide around the abysmally stupid Pac-Man by using a sling-shot.

  • This game is infamous at this point, and I can objectively say that it is the worst fighting game I've ever played. It's ridiculous in all the wrong ways, and has the worst fighting game cast ever.

  • Another equally infamous game. As a kid, I tried so hard to discern how to play but ended up giving up and just flying around the ugly, empty city of Metropolis. Also of interest is the illogical 3rd-person hovercraft shooter/racer multiplayer mode.

  • I feel weird putting Enter the Matrix on here because in some ways I enjoyed it, but damn if it isn't bad. Inconceivably bad graphics, poor fighting controls, and even poorer shooting made this game a total waste of time. Even back then watching Enter the Matrix in action was like seeing a pre-release unfinished version of the game.

  • I had this for the GameCube, and it's another one of those games that I swear the developer just ran out of time for. Any game with a bobsledding event that not only has, but *requires* the use of speed boost arrow thingys immediately loses any credibility for me. Also, when choosing a country to play as, the camera would zoom in to the player's chosen character to say a line, but no sound would come out. It's almost pathetic in it's lazy execution.

  • This beat-em' up featured my favorite Batman cartoon, but was a totally worthless game. You could choose between different Batman suits, including one with a shield that nearly made the player invincible, basically breaking the game.

  • Sneak King's slow paced, frustratingly difficult gameplay was so hard to get through that I stopped playing. What started out as a fun, cheap sneaking game turned into a test of will. I can play every MGS game on the hardest difficulty with minimal alerts and continues, but I can't fully 100% Sneak King for the life of me.

  • I can't describe what it is I hate about The Addams Family so much, but I can assure you that I find it utterly distasteful. It was a boring, mostly aimless game, but something about the way it played and looked made me want to put it in a box and never play it again. Even typing this is annoying me.

  • If you ever need an example of a game that is total shit in both concept and execution Fighting Force 2 is your game. There was never any chance of this game being any good in ANY sense, let alone doing well. It's one of the most hard to control games I've ever played as well.

  • Another rushed, otherwise unremarkable game. Tomorrow Never Dies has the distinction of being the worst bond game I've ever played, though, and let me tell you it is BAD NEWS. Stay away.