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Giant Bomb News


AudioSurf Air Exists, Has a Beta

The follow-up to one of the best damned music games you probably never played is on the horizon.

Uh, yes please.
Uh, yes please.

In my personal hierarchy of "music games that sucked up way more of my free time than is reasonable by any conceivable definition," Rock Band and Guitar Hero perhaps unsurprisingly sit atop the heap. However, surprisingly not far behind them is AudioSurf, the independently developed PC music game that let you "ride" your own music. Just load up any mp3 file from your hard drive, and the game would generate a dynamic level to "surf," creating collectible objects and obstacles around specific beats and notes within the music.

It was a sincerely amazing game, so you can imagine my excitement when I learned just now of AudioSurf Air, a sequel currently in the works courtesy of creator Dylan Fitterer. The just-launched website for the game only shows a few teasing screenshots, but also has the benefit of a beta sign-up form for those who might want to try the game ahead of release.

The beta currently doesn't have a launch date, but signing up will get you considered for when it does launch. Presumably it won't be too far off, as the site lists a 2012 release date for the final game.

Okay, so this is maybe a slightly self-indulgent post given my absurd love of the original, but come on, I can't possibly be the only one stoked about this, can I?

Alex Navarro on Google+