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Cage 'Doubts' Heavy Rain DLC 'Will Ever Be Produced'

Quantic Dream's other co-founder weighs in.

It appears as if clutching even the faintest glimmer of hope for future Heavy Rain DLC would be a fine practice in futility. Quantic Dream co-founder and writer David Cage has re-iterated to Eurogamer that all future DLC for the moody title has been put on hold. He even went so far as to say, "...I doubt they will ever be produced." 

During E3, Cage's fellow Quantic Dream co-founder Guillaume de Fondaumiere made a mention that HR's DLC had been shelved in favor of integrating the game with the PlayStation Move controller, making the pre-order DLC The Taxidermist the first and only bit of additional "Chronicles" content. 

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In Cage's more recent interview with Eurogamer, the publication apparently angled its question about the on-hold DLC to incorporate the idea of Move integration possibly harming the quality of the content. Cage explained that it would have.

"Our approach was to make no compromise on the quality of the Chronicles and offer exactly the same quality than the original game. So the answer is yes. Chronicles as we saw them were ambitious and with high expectations."
== TEASER =="As explained, they are on hold to allow the team to work on Move and on new projects, and I doubt they will ever be produced."

If you're wondering how serious Quantic ever was about the Chronicles DLC, just ask Cage about it--the dude had already written three scripts. But what's next on the docket? Cage mentioned new projects. One of those is, apparently, creating new tech. "Most of the team currently works on the next generation of technology and future concepts. We plan to significantly improve the technology compared to Heavy Rain, continue to take risks and explore new grounds."

On the bright side, perhaps the game that'll use this new tech will also incorporate some of the ideas of the assumedly never-to-be-created Heavy Rain DLC.