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Giant Bomb News


Can KenKen ShoryukenShoryuken?

Look, I just love this video and wanted to post it, OK?

I keep forgetting that Capcom is attempting to get deeper and deeper into the mobile game with a bunch of iPhone releases. Their latest is a Sudoku-like number-and-grid puzzle known as KenKen.

I had never heard of it and, to be honest, wasn't especially interested in hearing more. I'm perfectly fine with standard Sudoku, thanks. But then Capcom had to go and post this video featuring Puzzle Master #1, Will Shortz, describing the game.


Between the several hours I've spent watching TV Carnage and the several 12-minute chunks I've spent watching Tim & Eric, this video transforms in my head from something totally normal and benign to the funniest thing in the world. And now you know how my brain works. Though I guess this video doesn't necessarily make me interested in spending $4.99 on an iPhone puzzle collection... even if one of the bullet points is "stunning graphics to capture the player's imagination."

Maybe if one of the bullet points was "Will Shortz uses his calm voice and sweet mustache to guide you through your rising stack of mental issues," you'd have a sale.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+