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Giant Bomb News


Even More Operation Anchorage Screenshots

You can't possibly be unaware of what Bethesda's first Fallout 3 DLC release looks like at this point.

Bethesda sent out the latest batch of three screenshots this morning for Operation Anchorage, the first Fallout 3 DLC release due out on January 27. Because that brings the total number of shots to a solid dozen, and because I love our gallery feature, here's all the OpAnch images made available so far, assembled in one gallery. The new shots are the last three ones here. Commie sons-of-bitches!

Who's picking this up? Are you fiending for some new Fallout 3 questing yet, or are you--like me--still just trying to get to the original, amid the backlog of great holiday games?
Brad Shoemaker on Google+