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Giant Bomb News


Heavy Rain Refuses to Fear the Reaper

Heavy Rain doesn't care if you really like her. She's dead. Deal with it.

Wouldn't it be amazing if a developer could craft a story so dynamic that if your main character met his or her untimely demise the main plot would march on? I'm not talking about reloading a level or some Planescape-ish immortality mechanic, I mean, we leave that character in the grave and continue on with the cold, hard, cruel game of life.

Line 'em up. Knock 'em down.
Line 'em up. Knock 'em down.
According to a recent post on videogaming247, Quantic Dream has just this kind of scenario in mind for its upcoming opus, Heavy Rain. According to the site, Quantic Dream founder David Cage had this to say during a private Games Convention demo:

“I can’t really tell you too much about what the story’s about or how it’s going to work with the characters, all I can tell you that your character - the main character - can die, and the story will continue”

He further clarified that the game wouldn't slide into some side story, but instead continue along its intended path without that character, stating that "It's one big story.”

How? I have no idea. That's about all there is to this promise of permadeath. Will we see our weeping willow go down due to some hesitation during a Quick Time Event, never to be seen again? Is there an entire cast of folks ready to take up the task once one of your protagonists eats it? Maybe the game only has one point at which you can die, 10 seconds before the end. Who knows? Seeing as how the Heavy Rain information has equated to little more than a drizzle at this point, my curiosity is certainly piqued.
Vinny Caravella on Google+