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Giant Bomb News


Hey, Watch Some Pro StarCraft This Weekend At MLG Dallas

Otherwise known as "Learn to Understand What the Hell Brad and Norm Talk About All Day Long."

If you've been hanging around this website or our sister site Tested lately, you've probably gotten sick of hearing Norm Chan and myself babbling on and on about competitive StarCraft II. Or you've realized that watching competitive StarCraft II is the best thing ever. If you're either of these people, you should head over to the Major League Gaming site this weekend and check out the tournament streams they're running from their Dallas event this weekend. You will either love what they've got going on or, damnit, you will learn to love it.

 HuK, winner of MLG Raleigh and veteran of Thursday Night Throwdown.
 HuK, winner of MLG Raleigh and veteran of Thursday Night Throwdown.

I have to stress that you don't need to be a Diamond-level player to appreciate pro-grade StarCraft II matches. That's what commentators are for, and MLG has some great ones onboard, starting with Sean "Day[9]" Plott, whose Day[9] Daily is essential viewing if you're actually serious about getting better at (or at least understanding) SC2 on a fundamental level. Other well known casters like Marcus "DJWheat" Graham and (friend of Giant Bomb) the MLG's own JP McDaniel will be throwing down their commentary to explain what's going on minuet to minute.

Anybody who's already keeping up with pro SC2 will only need to hear names like IdrA, HuK, and TheLittleOne to know that this tourney is serious business. If those names just sound ridiculous to you, just know these guys are among the best SC2 players outside Korea... although they'll all be heading back to Korea after this is over with to start practicing for the next season of the GomTV StarCraft League. You're guaranteed to see some very high-level play on the stream this weekend (a free version of which is available) so if you're wondering what the hell I've been babbling about on the podcast week after week, this is a good place to start.

MLG will be running tournaments around other games like Halo: Reach, Tekken 6, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, if those flavors are more agreeable to your palate. Me, I'll be spending the weekend keeping an eye on the MLG stream while catching up on GSL matches in preparation for next week's finals. And probably thinking hard about finding something else to do with my life besides StarCraft.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+