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Giant Bomb News


Next Stop: Los Angeles - Stop After That: Site Launch

We prepare for E3 2008 and the full launch of Giant Bomb.


Hey, hi! Since this “iPhone 3G activation nightmare” has brought almost all work to a halt here in the office, I figured I’d drop in with a recap and an update on what you can expect over the next couple of weeks. We detailed most of what I’m about to say on this week’s podcast, so some of this may seem like old news.

E3. We’re going to that. We’ll leave on Sunday and drive down to LA, where we’ll stay in hotels and see the video games. Our E3 coverage will primarily consist of a daily podcast starting on Monday night and going through to Thursday. Since the E3 sche

dule can be a little wild, I can’t commit to an actual time for those podcasts. I assume in many cases we will be coming directly from a party… uh… make that “cocktail reception” and getting on a microphone. So that should be interesting.

We will also be shooting some video while we’re down there, stuff like reactions from the press conferences, maybe an interview or two. Some of that will make it on the site, some of it will be saved for after we return.

Oh, wait, my iPhone just finally got through to the Apple activation servers. Hang on.


OK, that was… less painful that it could have been, I guess. But now it’s not letting me buy Bomberman Touch. That’s a shame, because I do so want to touch Bomberman.

Where were we… oh yes, site launch! We will have a full-on web site for you to use the week after E3. Those of you who have hit us up with an e-mail should be getting some sort of notification from us when things are ready to go.

Around here, we’ve been spending the last couple of weeks really getting things nailed down on the content side, while the guys upstairs have been developing and designing their collective ass off. (Yes, they share an ass… don’t ask.) Video players are being stared at, typos are being corrected, release calendars are being… calendated!

This morning, Ryan and I stood in line for around three hours at an AT&T store having what seemed like the final arguments we’ll need to have on topics like “when is something a location and when is it a thing?” Or “is ‘goomba’ a character or a race?” He will be putting together the help page that will tell you about how we’ve solved these arguments and how you should be going about adding new

pages to the site. Or, rather, proposing that new pages be added to the site. Those proposals go into a moderation queue, where they get looked at by Luchadeer and his minions. Users who have proven themselves with many great submissions will be able to sidestep some of these restrictions.

As soon as we get back from E3, we’ll create a handful of video tutorials specific to Giant Bomb. In the meantime, check out the videos on this page at Comic Vine for an idea or two about how the editing will work.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to moving stories off of the old site and into the new one… and continuing to click “buy app” until the Internet sells me a copy of Bomberman: telephone edition.

[UPDATE] - As we bring ourselves into the final stretch of this whole “wordpress blog” thing and get into our open beta and launch, here are a couple of carefully chosen shots for you to think about over the next week.

Jeff Gerstmann on Google+