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Giant Bomb News


TF2 Sniper Update On The Way

The sniper class gets his turn at an update with a new bow-and-arrow combo.

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The official Team Fortress 2 blog recently posted some details about their upcoming Sniper update. It looks like they're spreading the info over a couple of days but right now we know the sniper will be getting a new bow-and-arrow combo that allows you to pin enemies to walls. The weapon also comes with a one-second charge similar to the sniper rifle that will allow it to score insta-crits on the unlucky target. No word on which weapon this replaces but I'll assume it's the sniper rifle and not the machine gun. So that brings up some questions.
  1. Will the arrow have an arc trajectory similar to the Pyro's flare gun?
  2. If so, why would you ever use the thing over your sniper rifle?
Not that I'm against the idea of a hunting bow, mind you. And hey, pinning dudes up against a wall with a wooden projectile really hasn't been done well since the original Painkiller. I guess I just sometimes question the use of some of the alternate weapons that get added through class updates. If they use the bow as a replacement to your machine gun and had a medium distance zoom to compliment the rifle's long range one I might get a little more excited. As of now, I just hope it doesn't add yet another highly stylized animation to TF2's noisey airspace. 

As a side note, if you're a TF2 fan and have not checked out the Gang Garrison "demake" do so now. While crude, it totally captures the spirit of the original game.
Dave Snider on Google+