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Giant Bomb News


The Community Spotlight - 08/01/2015

Thanks to Rocket League and Contradiction, the Summer slump of 2015 has actually been pretty great. There's only one more month until things start getting super crazy, so, in the mean time, check out the latest and greatest from the GB Community.

A special thanks to aurahack for the banner this week!
A special thanks to aurahack for the banner this week!

Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am honored to be your host once again. Hopefully everyone has recovered from the shock of Giant Bomb East serving Giant Bomb Proper a cold dish of revenge at the latest Us vs. Them stream. Now let's move onto the Giant Bomb housekeeping:

The Giant Bomb PAX Prime pre-panel meet and greet is all set for August 28th! It is an all subscriber event that you must RSVP. Please be aware that you must be 21 years of age or older in order to attend this event.

The BeyondPod app has been fixed for now and plans to block the app have been halted. However now it appears that an issue with the PocketCasts app has been reported. Giant Bomb engineer wcarle is on the case and is attempting to contact PocketCasts to resolve the issue.

For those that don't know, Austin Walker hosts a table-top gaming podcast called "Friends at the Table," and the latest episode of the podcast went live this week.

Finally... things got increasingly META regarding Contradiction and Giant Bomb East.

Clip of the Week

  • Giant Bomb Nine Nine (By: @somestickguy_) - Somestickguy_ combined two things that are near and dear to his heart: the Brooklyn Nine Nine and the Giant Bomb staff. Here's the AMAZING result of that match made in heaven.

The Giant Bomb Weekly Gallery of Art

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Wonderful Wikis

  • Stretch Panic - This weekend marks the end of SGDQ 2015, so enjoy this last batch of wiki pages for the games that made for some of the most exciting/interesting speedruns this Summer (make sure to check the official SGDQ 2015 discussion thread for YouTube archive links). Stretch Panic is one of Treasure's odder games, and that's saying something when we're talking about the developer of Dynamite Headdy.
  • Prince of Persia: Sands of Time - Polygon video editor (and one-time talking dog) Griffin McElroy wrote about how the trouble-fraught speedrun of the 2004 acrobatic reboot was his favorite this year. Track down that video and read up on the game here.
  • F.E.A.R. - The terrifying FPS saw a very glitch-exploitative speedrun this year, undermining a lot of its scares. Still a great run though. You'll never look at a ladder the same way again.
  • Shovel Knight - Yacht Club Games' universally acclaimed 2014 throwback filled with shovelrous knights and dastardly blackguards had an interesting speedrun this year as the runner eschewed all relics and health upgrades. Dig into the game's nuances via its detailed wiki page. Plus: Look out for some free DLC coming soon!
  • Roundabout - Finally, the speedrun of Dave Lang's Turnover deserves special mention this year for the kind shout-out to the Giant Bomb community after the runner passed by the special in-game monument of a sombrero'd Ryan Davis. It's always Tuesday when you're a groovy rotating limousine driver.

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