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Giant Bomb News


Top Gun Returns To A Pixelated Sky

Volleyball mini-game unfortunately not included.


 Take me to bed or lose me forever.
 Take me to bed or lose me forever.
Yeah, yeah. You could call this post news filler that simply keeps the feed running but it could also be a chance for everyone to take a break from all this E3 madness and start a thread on Tony Scott's seminal 80s film Top Gun! I came across screens and a fact sheet for a PSN, PC and MAC Top Gun game that declares the following included features... 
  • Talk to Me Goose: With all-new dialogue and storyline written by the film’s screenwriter, Jack Epps, Jr., players talk trash with Iceman, Merlin, Slider, and the rest of the flyers from the film.
  • Tower, This is Ghost Rider Requesting a Flyby: Players take their RIO along and buzz the tower OK what? Serious? First of all, the screenwriter of Top Gun is writing a Top Gun game? Second... dude, I can talk with Merlin? I hope Tim Robbins has nothing better to do then add voice-over to the game. 
As a side note, I came across a Day's of Thunder: NASCAR edition press release just after this one. More week-old BREAKING coverage from the newsdesk AS IT HAPPENS. 
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