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Giant Bomb News


Who Among You Will Play Uncharted 2 Tonight?

These are the people who won the beta contest, is what I'm trying to say.

Some of you guys will be all making like thissss.
Some of you guys will be all making like thissss.
After poring over yesterday's submissions, I have selected the five recipients of the Uncharted 2 beta codes I now hold in my hand. Here they are, along with their winning entries.

Idea for contest: Give an explanation as to why a skinny, probably malnourished Thai pirate is able to take multiple AK-47 rounds to his bare chest. Incredible pirate endurance? Special Bat-Anti-Bullet Spray? You decide!

Hey, topical!

The first person to fill a Geo Metro with whale lard and then drop it from a helicopter 500 feet in the air wins.

I have no idea, but it made me laugh.

My contest idea would be to ask people to ask people to come up with a contest idea about asking people to come up with a contest idea. The top 5 people who ask the most people to ask to come up with a contest idea about asking people to come up with a contest idea wins! .... I think, my head hurts now.  

I'm way into meta-answers.

I was just finished watching the Just Cause 2 gameplay video so how about this...
Send in a video of you doing a stunt postion on a vehicle and then grappling someone and tethering them to said vehicle and the hilarity that ensues.

Crossovers are always fun, too.

Wherever you are whatever you're doing GET NAKED. The person who stays naked the longest while continuing with their day wins. HONOR SYSTEM.

Yeah, I don't know either, but I like your enthusiasm.

Thanks to you weirdos for your solid contest ideas--your codes are in the mail (I mean, uh, PMs)! And thanks to everyone else for playing. Stay tuned for the next contest, when the objective will most likely be "post in the comments and I'll pick X random people" because, man, reading all those submissions took a while.

Oh yeah, and if you didn't happen to get in this time, don't forget you can run out and buy a copy of InFamous if you really can't wait to reunite with Nathan Drake. You should really do that anyway; InFamous is easily my favorite game of 2009 so far.
Brad Shoemaker on Google+