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    Final Fantasy

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    Final Fantasy is Square Enix's most famous and successful franchise and has been going for more than 35 years. With the impending release of Final Fantasy XVI, there are sixteen numbered mainline games, with dozens of spin-offs.

    Final Fantasy Recommendations

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    Edited By saoakden

    Final Fantasy is probably one of the biggest video game franchises in the gaming industry due to having a large number of games being released over the years. Some of these games are good, some are bad and the others can go either way. For the past few months, I have been playing a few Final Fantasy games that I have come to like. The Final Fantasy games that I have played so far have been Final Fantasy IV Advance, Final Fantasy V Advance, and Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360. I’ve grown to like these games because of the plot, game play and the characters some of the characters that are in the game that I’ve grown to like due to their personality, character development, and how they do in battle. I even found a few villains that I’ve grown to like because of their goals, their actions in the game, and how different these villains are, like Golbez and Exdeath. So here is what I want to know. Aside from 4, 5, and 13, what other Final Fantasy games are worth playing. I want to know which main games, spin-offs, remakes, and sequels are worth playing. If anyone can leave a recommendation in the comments, I would appreciate it.

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    #1  Edited By saoakden

    Final Fantasy is probably one of the biggest video game franchises in the gaming industry due to having a large number of games being released over the years. Some of these games are good, some are bad and the others can go either way. For the past few months, I have been playing a few Final Fantasy games that I have come to like. The Final Fantasy games that I have played so far have been Final Fantasy IV Advance, Final Fantasy V Advance, and Final Fantasy XIII for the Xbox 360. I’ve grown to like these games because of the plot, game play and the characters some of the characters that are in the game that I’ve grown to like due to their personality, character development, and how they do in battle. I even found a few villains that I’ve grown to like because of their goals, their actions in the game, and how different these villains are, like Golbez and Exdeath. So here is what I want to know. Aside from 4, 5, and 13, what other Final Fantasy games are worth playing. I want to know which main games, spin-offs, remakes, and sequels are worth playing. If anyone can leave a recommendation in the comments, I would appreciate it.

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    #2  Edited By natetodamax

    If you played and enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII, check out XIII-2. The plot wasn't as good as XIII but the combat was definitely better.

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    #3  Edited By joshthebear

    VI, VII, and IX for sure. My three favorites of the whole series.

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    #4  Edited By Toxeia

    If you haven't played 6 (or 3 in the US) then you're doing yourself a great disservice.

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    #5  Edited By icicle7x3

    VI is one of the best RPGs out there.

    I recommend that one.

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    #6  Edited By bishna

    If you even remotely liked 4 and 5, 6 is gonna blow your fucking mind.

    Also Tactics is pretty great, although a bit long-winded. IX is pretty good, as is X in a different way.

    I guess you should probably play VII just to say you did, definitely not one of my favorites.

    Crystal Chronicles is a butt load of fun if you can get 4 players together.

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    #7  Edited By m1k3

    If you have the time, you should try playing all of the main FF games. Obviously XI and XIV are special cases. As for spin-offs, i really liked FFVII:Crisis Core and FF:Tactics for the PS1.

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    9 is by far my favorite. It was special to me because it went back to what I liked the earlier final fantasies. Not teen angst or giant hair but for the fantasy settings. You might find the art a turn off at first but give it a while, it's really worth playing and quite under rated.

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    #9  Edited By alistercat

    I think everything from 4 - 10 is great.

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    #10  Edited By TheBostonPops

    Final Fantasy 6. Yes yes yes.

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    #11  Edited By mandude

    IX, 9, nine, naoi, neun, neuf,yhdeksän, nio!

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    @Voxel said:

    The plot wasn't as good as XIII 

    Good god...
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    #13  Edited By bishna

    @mandude: But what about nueve?

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    #14  Edited By StarvingGamer

    IV, VI, IX, X

    Fuck the rest!

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    #15  Edited By mandude

    @Bishna: I just don't feel that that one was as good as the others.

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    #16  Edited By EchoEcho

    @StarvingGamer said:

    IV, VI, IX, X Fuck the rest!

    This man has the right of it.

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    #17  Edited By Ducksworth

    None of the Final Fantasy's are completely horrible no matter how hard some people froth at the mouth.

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    #18  Edited By Jeust

    VI, X and XII.

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    #19  Edited By sungahymn

    The only ones I played are X, XII, and XIII. If you liked XIII, you will probably like X, but the characters are, in my opinion, weaker. Be careful of XII, since it's very different from the other games in the franchise.

    I watched walkthroughs of VII, VIII, and IX, and they seemed pretty good, but they all have different tones. VII is cyberpunk and quite dark, VIII is both present and future, and IX is classic fantasy Middle Ages stuff.

    As with everyone else here, you should play VI, since it's often called the best Final Fantasy.

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    #20  Edited By ImmortalSaiyan

    @Voxel said:

    If you played and enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII, check out XIII-2. The plot wasn't as good as XIII but the combat was definitely better.

    I disagree. I think the plot is better but the characters are worse. The combat I much preferred in the original 13.

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    #21  Edited By tim_the_corsair

    I'd recommend you play anything but Final Fantasy, personally.

    Play a good example of a JRPG like...errr...ummm...Barkley: Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden

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    #22  Edited By SlightConfuse

    play 12 and 8

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    #23  Edited By WarlordPayne

    FFVI is my absolute favorite, and if you enjoyed IV and V then I can almost guarantee you will love VI.

    FFX is great and FFX-2 is fun if you can get past the ridiculousness on the surface.

    A lot of people didn't like FFXII but it's easily one of my favorites.

    As for spinoffs Final Fantasy Tactics is incredible if you like strategy RPGs, and I really enjoyed FFVII: Crisis Core but you should play FFVII before hand.

    Every Final Fantasy is worth playing, though, except for FFII. FFII has core design flaws that ruin the game.

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    #24  Edited By ImmortalSaiyan

    I'll actually post something useful in this thread.

    I have played half of 4, 7, 8 ,some of 9, 10, 12, 13 and 13-2.

    7 is my favorite so i'd definitely recommend it. I feel it has the best story, soundtrack and a pretty good cast with a couple stand outs. The character models have aged poorly but other then that it looks great - even today. The PSP prequel is fantastic as well.

    8 i'm not fond of. Because the battle system is horrible. A complete mess. The only good character is Squall; I guess Rinoa is alright. Looks and sounds good though.

    10 has great graphics, combat. A pretty good story and cast. It is linear, but seeing how you like 13 it sound not be a problem.

    12 is good but different from the rest. So know that going in. While I really like the combat others do not. This one too, looks and sounds great. I did not care for the plot or characters.

    If you enjoyed 13 definitely try 13-2, most people seem to prefer it. I am not one of them but still.

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    #25  Edited By saoakden

    @Voxel: I will check out 13-2. The only thing I didn't like about 13 was if the player character dies, then game over. I played other rpgs where you can switch between characters during the fight like Tales of Symphnoia and its sequel or spin-off whatever you want to call Dawn of the New World.

    @joshthebear: I really want to check out VI for the game boy advance since its one of the only systems I can play it on. VII looks good and IX I will have to look more into.

    @Toxeia: I'm assuming your refering to FF III for the DS and FF VI.

    @Icicle7x3: I do like RPGs, they tend to be long games with some very interesting stories. I'll defenitly get VI when I have the chance.

    @Bishna: I did like 4 & 5 so 6 might blow my mind. I have heard of Tatics before. IX & X look interesting and I'm assuming there good in their own way. VII looks interesting. & Crystal Chronicles confused me when I played it. I was lost and had no idea what to do.

    @m1k3: I played 4, 5, 13 so 3 down, 8 to go not counting 11 and 14. Crisis Core and Tatics, I might check out if I ever get the system there on.

    @Irvandus: I haven't seen the art but I think it will grow on me. So is 9 basically refering to the older games?

    @AlisterCat: I agree with you from 4-5 only because those are the only ones I played. 6 has high expectaions from most of the users here have said about the game. 7-10 I will check out if I have the chance.

    @TheBostonPops: I will find and play VI for sure.

    @mandude: mandude when I saw your comment, I thought it was funny and awesome how you put 9 like 8 times. I'm assuming its worth playing if you said 9 8 times in different languages. If you would have put nueve it would have been 9 in 9 different languages but nueve does sound a bit werid unless we were in Mexico.

    @Vegetable_Side_Dish: Someting tells me you think otherwise or something?

    @Bishna: I didn't notice mandude didn't put 9 down in spanish until you said something.

    @StarvingGamer: IV yes, VI, IX, and X I have to buy and play.

    @EchoEcho: I agree with him on 4. That game got me interested in the franchise.

    @Ducksworth: That is true. Games are good in their own right.

    @Jeust: VI will play, X & XII will look into.

    @sungahymn: I did like XIII so I might X. VII, VIII, IX I've seen clips on youtube and screwattack and from what I seen, they look good for their time. VI has been mentioned so many times now that I have to look into it.

    @Tim_the_Corsair: Any other JRPGs you can recommend? Never heard of the one you mentioned.

    @SlightConfuse:12 and 8, will look into those games.

    @WarlordPayne: VI will look into. X & X-2 have to look into. I think I played a couple of strategy rpg and Crisis Core and VII will look into those games. I know every game in the Final Fantasy Franchise is worth playing but I just feel like there are some that shouldn't be picked up. What was bad about the 2nd one?

    @ImmortalSaiyan: I have to look into 13-2 and see which one is the better overall game. The last comment you put about 7, 8, 10, and 12 is informative.

    Thank you everyone you have commented on this blog. It has been really helpful. I will look into Final Fantasy VI since a lot of people has recommended 6, but I'm getting it for the gameboy advance cause I don't have the system it originally came out on and I have a DS that plays the Gameboy Advance.

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    #26  Edited By acarab1981

    IV is my favorite, XII second

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    #27  Edited By FancySoapsMan
    @Voxel said:
    If you played and enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII, check out XIII-2. The plot wasn't as good as XIII but the combat was definitely better.
    Final Fantasy XIII-2 has a better sense of humor so it's much more fun to follow the story but it just fizzles out at the end. But it's worth playing if you liked FF XIII. Also I just checked and it's on sale at Best Buy this week.
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    #28  Edited By Video_Game_King

    Aside from IV/V/XIII? Lemme see...

    • I is pretty fun, if old school.
    • III is far better, though.
    • VI's the best.
    • VII's still good, though.
    • I didn't like VIII, but I wouldn't be too pissed if you played it.
    • Go with IX, though.
    • Then move onto X and stay the fuck away from XII.
    • Would Tactics count for anything?
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    #29  Edited By bishna

    @saoakden: jesus epic reply

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    #30  Edited By Rebel_Scum

    @Video_Game_King said:

    Aside from IV/V/XIII? Lemme see...

    • I is pretty fun, if old school.
    • III is far better, though.
    • VI's the best.
    • VII's still good, though.
    • I didn't like VIII, but I wouldn't be too pissed if you played it.
    • Go with IX, though.
    • Then move onto X and stay the fuck away from XII.
    • Would Tactics count for anything?

    I'd go with this but change the words around

    • VI's is a close second
    • VII's the best, best story, best characters/setting, equipment/magic/combat system
    • I didn't like VIII, too romancy
    • Go with IX, though.
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    #31  Edited By StarvingGamer
    @saoakden Wow, way to be super manner and reply to everyone in your thread. You're a pretty cool fellow.
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    #32  Edited By Hunter5024

    -Final Fantasy 1, very dated gameplay wise but it's also very short and you may find it interesting to see the series routes. I do not recommend this one however.

    -Final Fantasy 2, I don't recommend this one either. But I can't say much about it because I don't have too much experience with it

    -Final Fantasy 3, in a lot of ways this one is like 5, because it has the job system. However I think 5 sort of eclipsed this one in just about every way it could. If you still want to check it out the only version released outside of Japan is the DS version.

    -Definitely go for Final Fantasy 6 (The snes version is called FF3 don't let that confuse you). Either 6 or 7 are generally considered the best in the series depending on who you talk too. This one has gameplay that's really similar to 4 and 5. I would say get the gba version because it has an improved translation and a little extra stuff in it.

    -Final Fantasy 7 is fantastic as well, however the graphics are really bad, and even for the least graphics snobby person that one might be hard to get into these days, if it doesn't bother you though, definitely go for it. It's on psn for 10 bucks.

    -I love Final Fantasy 8, but it's magic and skill system (Drawing and Junctioning) is kind of out there and puts off a few people, the plot is kind of a romance but still with some heavy psychological shit, and epic events in the background. Try if that sounds appealing. Also on psn for 10 bucks

    -Final Fantasy 9 If you liked 4 and 5 then I would recommend this one because it's sort of a callback to those earlier games in the series. PSN, ten bucks.

    -Final Fantasy 10 is a pretty excellent entry, and one of the more modern versions. If you weren't put off by 13 try this one out, because a lot of the problems people have with this one are less severe versions of the same problems they had in 13. It's on ps2 and you can get a used copy pretty cheap, but you may want to wait for the HD version that's going to be released on ps3.

    -Final Fantasy 10-2, Don't even consider it if you didn't play 10, and then if you do play 10, don't consider it anyways.

    -Final Fantasy 12 this is a pretty major departure for the series. If you like MMO combat and boring characters check it out.

    -Final Fantasy 13-2, if you like 13 go for it. it's a much more cheery game and the story is probably a little bit more confusing but theres enough callbacks to it's predecessor to make it interesting for a fan of the last game.

    -Final Fantasy Tactics is probably the only spinoff I would consider recommending. If you like strategy games like Fire Emblem, Disgaea, or Tactics Ogre try it on psn or psp, if not you've got plenty of main series games to catch up on.

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    #33  Edited By Bourbon_Warrior

    VII has the best setting, characters and music in my opinion. I know its cool to hate 7 but its easily my favourite. Play it on a PSP it looks fantastic.

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    #34  Edited By casper_

    final fantasy 6 uber alles

    also tactics.

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    #35  Edited By Animasta

    XII is the best one so play that

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    #36  Edited By Fearbeard

    My personal favorites

    FF 1, FF 4, FF 6, FF7, FF9

    Since you already played for I'd say 6 and 7 are essential, with 1 being an interesting piece of gaming history, and 9 being one of my favorite FF settings since the SNES games.

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    #37  Edited By Mistzero

    You have to play 9 because it had a fantastic story and setting and like many others said before me it wasn't just about teenage angst (cough* ff7, ff8)

    Also it holds up fantastically well graphically when compared to the other three ps one titles.

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    #38  Edited By joshthebear
    @saoakden No problem duder. Might I say, that was maybe the most epic reply ever.
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    #39  Edited By Hunter5024

    @Animasta said:

    XII is the best one so play that

    Your posts always make me laugh!

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    #40  Edited By Mamba219

    Just to let you know my pedigree: I've played all of the main games up through 12, including spinoffs like X-2, Tactics, Vagrant Story (arguable), and Tactics Advance. Beyond the year 2005, my knowledge of the Final Fantasy games falls off a cliff. That said...

    Final Fantasy IX is the one to play if you're going to play any of them. Final Fantasies IV and VI are excellent as well. VII and VIII are awful (especially by modern standards), I-III are cool in different, old-school ways, and V is extremely gameplay oriented, which means it's not much in the way of plot but it's arguably the most robust of the lot in terms of its systems. X is a good, solid RPG, but it's not brilliant on the level of IX, IV, and VI, mostly because its characters are so awful.

    Tactics is my second favorite of all these games, but then again, I'm a sucker for historical story telling and tons of names and faces. Vagrant Story is arguably not a game in series, but if you consider it, it won't let you down if you have a bit of patience (it's really more of a Metroidvania than anything). Tactics Advance is the gameplay of Tactics with an abhorrent judge system and none of the great plot, and X-2 is,'s upbeat, but man is it dumb.

    Hope that was helpful for you.

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    #41  Edited By xaLieNxGrEyx

    If you can enjoy FFXIII you could probably enjoy self castration so I assume you'll likely enjoy any entry in the series.

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    #42  Edited By saoakden

    @acarab1981: I like IV and its one of my favorites so far.

    @FancySoapsMan: Good to know. Thanks for the tip man.

    @Video_Game_King: Good to know Video Game King. Nice short info about those games.

    @joshthebear & @Bishna & @StarvingGamer: Well I wanted to make sure I repiled to everyone. I think it would have been a dick move if I just replied to a couple of the users when 20+ users commented. & Believe me that is the longest replies of comments I have ever done. Took me at least a half hour to respond to everyone. It looks like I'm on my way to another one now. @StarvingGamer: Thanks dude.

    @Rebel_Scum: Dude when I saw your user name it made think of Star Wars and the Family Guy Star Wars episodes. Cool to know about the VI & VII. I heard the plot of 8 and thought it was interesting. One thing I do like about 8 was they introduce Gunblades. IX I will check out when ever I can.

    @Hunter5024: One of the longest comments I've seen so far on this forum. I like how you listed a game and gave a nice little summary about the game. Something tells me you seen Animasts's comments before?

    @Bourbon_Warrior: I haven't played VII. I want to play it ever since I saw Cloud in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. I won't hate on the game because 1 I never played it and two maybe a lot of those haters haven't even played the game.

    @casperhertzog: VI looks fun. Tactics I will look into.

    @Animasta: XII has been recieving mixed comments both good and bad. So I will play it and judge for myself.

    @Fearbeard: I can say I like 4, the others I need to check out.

    @Mistzero: I will look at 9. That game is probably the secomd or third most recommended game so far.

    @Mamba219: Man you sound like a big Final Fantasy fan. I have much to learn which is why I wrote this blog. Your response is will be help myself and others. I will look into the games you mentioned. Vagrant story I will look into.

    @xaLieNxGrEyx: If I ever play 8, we will see how I feel.

    Once again thak you guys for your responses. I appreciate everyones input on this. Man I think I did another long response.

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    #43  Edited By EchoEcho

    @saoakden: Definitely look into IX if you enjoyed IV and plan to play VI, because it is very much an homage to the NES/SNES era of Final Fantasy games. Probably why a lot of people who grew up with those ones really enjoyed it.

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    #44  Edited By CountRockula

    @Tim_the_Corsair said:

    Play a good example of a JRPG like...errr...ummm...Barkley: Shut Up And Jam: Gaiden

    Now here's a man who knows a thing or two about great games!

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    #45  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    As the sole proponent of both V and X-2 it seems on the whole internet, I have to make my claim here. Yes, VI is the best in the series, but V has the totally bitchin Job System and X-2's story falls into the realm of self-parody at times (and also has the job system). If you want deep stories or likeable characters though... turn elsewhere.

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    #46  Edited By SpiderCabaret

    @ArbitraryWater said:

    As the sole proponent of both V and X-2 it seems on the whole internet, I have to make my claim here. Yes, VI is the best in the series, but V has the totally bitchin Job System and X-2's story falls into the realm of self-parody at times (and also has the job system). If you want deep stories or likeable characters though... turn elsewhere.

    You're not alone. I love the job system, too. Not that big on III, though. And taking away all the fluff, X-2 is probably the best game in the series in terms of combat.

    Final Fantasy recommendations? V, VI, IX, XII. That last one rarely comes up in recommendations, probably because it wasn't the same as X. It was on its way to be a game with a nice dose of political intrigue and doing its best to become a standout title. Then some idiot in a suit came in with his focus testing and killed it. But you know, I'll tell you why XII. Custom job system. Forget III, V, X-2, XI, Tactics, all of those job system games. XII gives you the freedom to make your own, to mix and match as you see fit. It's wonderful.

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    #47  Edited By NathHaw

    As an American who was there playing all of them when they were released: The special ones to me were 1, 4 (then called 2), 6 (then called 3), 7. The rest have been good in a lot of ways but for various reasons I wouldn't call them stand-outs although I really liked 8.

    If you want to get out of the numbered ones, Final FantasyTactics was one of the best games ever made. I still hope for a proper console sequel.

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    #48  Edited By Zleunamme

    I recommend IX, X and XII. IX is charming and has a good art style. Is more of a throw back to the 8 bit era games. X was my first Final Fantasy game and got hooked to the series. I got very invested in the blitzball mini-game. It got frustrating controlling characters in matches-- in the beginning. The more I played, the more I got better. Character develop and building relationships with other party members is what I liked the most of X. Your party member will mean a lot to you and you want to reach the end of the story. IX has a MMO vibe, no random encounters to stop the action. The baroque art style reminds me of why I liked Final Fantasy Tactics.

    The only good things about XIII is that its looks good on an HDTV and has a great combat system. The constant straight paths and confusing story is what soured my experience on XIII. The only problem you might encounter is that a majority of the FF games --released from 1997 to 2010-- were only available for Playstation.

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    #49  Edited By yeahimjordan

    X is worth a play because it was the first game to incorporate voice acting throughout the game. It allows for a deeper immersion with the characters.

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    #50  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    @SpiderCabaret said:

    @ArbitraryWater said:

    As the sole proponent of both V and X-2 it seems on the whole internet, I have to make my claim here. Yes, VI is the best in the series, but V has the totally bitchin Job System and X-2's story falls into the realm of self-parody at times (and also has the job system). If you want deep stories or likeable characters though... turn elsewhere.

    You're not alone. I love the job system, too. Not that big on III, though. And taking away all the fluff, X-2 is probably the best game in the series in terms of combat.

    Final Fantasy recommendations? V, VI, IX, XII. That last one rarely comes up in recommendations, probably because it wasn't the same as X. It was on its way to be a game with a nice dose of political intrigue and doing its best to become a standout title. Then some idiot in a suit came in with his focus testing and killed it. But you know, I'll tell you why XII. Custom job system. Forget III, V, X-2, XI, Tactics, all of those job system games. XII gives you the freedom to make your own, to mix and match as you see fit. It's wonderful.

    The international version of XII totally had the job system too.

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