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The Best Games I have ever played

These are not just good. There are no better. They give no quarter. The games made my day and night.

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  • This is it. One may say many things about this game but i say, "the most realistic fantasy game, ever". And no, it's no paradoxical. The characters, the places, the tasks. You've done at least one of each, see one of each or been there once in your childhood or after you've grown up. You've grown fat, then you decided to run to lose weight. You danced, you farted, you wooed. You've lost someone and then found but things were not it used to be. Yet this all happens in a fantasy world with a beautiful tune humming in background. The atmosphere, the choices, the people, the monsters. What more do you want?

    The best. Period.

  • It may be linear. It may be repetitive. It may have no replay value. Others might say many more against this game but i say only one thing: the atmosphere. No other game - including the ones of survival horror genre - gave me the creeps, the desperation and the satisfaction at the same time as Jericho did. The character designs, the level designs and monster designs along with the story narrated from a dark-Gnostic perspective make this game a unique experience. The tactical approach combined with your shooter skills creates a marvelous tapestry boosted by horrid appearences quenches any thirst for a satisfying game.

    And alas... it's just a game.

  • This game might be the best adaptation of Dungeons and Dragons story seeds of all time. Story-wise, it is an undeniable fact that Planescape: Torment is unmatched in the entire gaming world. Along with the all-time-best NPC in the Role-Playing genre (Morte, of course!), the "Nameless One" is embarked on a quest of his... well... the true meaning behind his name and existence. Do not ever upset the Lady of Pain... really.

  • There are indeed many sci-fi space-sim games that rocked our world but only in Freespace 2 i really had the feeling what it takes to command a fighter craft. I was deeply concerned about my wings (the other fighter teams) when i lost communication with them in a thick-nebula with my sensors gone haywire and for a moment my blood froze for i was all alone by myself in endless space. In a few moments i realised this was a game and i clearly remember taking a deep breath and carry on the mission i was assigned. Not to mention the weight of the fragile Terran-Vasudan allince was on my shoulders, i made it thru the game and found myself relieved off all my duties.

    The space was free, after all...