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Best of 2010

ADAMWD: Best of 2010

List items

  • ME2 is the game of the year because it has everything you want in a great Action-RPG. A quality story, awesome characters, superb dialogue, an inventive game world, and exciting missions. This game is damn near perfect.

  • Super Meat Boy can be so incredibly hard and frustrating but it keeps you coming back death after death. The structure and design of the game perfectly compliment its style and heavily contribute to it being one of the best platformers ever made.

  • While not a true sequel by name, AC: Brotherhood is at it's core a true AC game with a lot more content packed in. It offers a whole new story with a TON of things to do around Rome that keeps it from ever getting repetitive. The multiplayer won't keep you dedicated like Call of Duty or Halo, but it is a quite fresh and unique experience.

  • Limbo is an excellent quasi-platformer game that isn't very long, but offers a dark, atmospheric experience that shouldn't be missed.

  • Red Dead Redemption is a "Western GTA" with arguably a better story and cast of characters. For me, the story lagged in the middle and took a while to finish only because I didn't feel compelled to play it for more than an hour or so at a time. The world has an incredible feel to it though, even if the side missions and activities aren't all that fun.

  • Fallout: New Vegas is admittedly a bit clunky, but is still a vastly enjoyable Western-RPG game. There are a lot more missions than it's predecessor and a deeper element of characters and player influence throughout the game world that encourage repeated playthroughs.

  • A much better singleplayer mode than Modern Warfare 2, and a more balanced, still days long time consuming multiplayer paired with the addition of wager matches assure that Black Ops isn't left off this list.

  • Perhaps the best game in the series and one of the best strategy games ever, Civilization V is simply put, a lot of fun. Games can easily last 5 hours and that time will fly by, leaving you wanting to start up a new game right away.

  • With fine-tuned combat mechanics, and the return of the dystopian aesthetic and gripping narrative of the original, BioShock 2 is a memorable experience that actually makes the first game even better.