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Blog #5 - Miles Edgeworth Illustration and StarCraft 2

So, yet another Phoenix Wright illustration. This time Miles Edgeworth is up. I really enjoy Miles Edgeworth as a character. He provides a good antagonist in the first game and then evolves as a character rather quickly, and is very enjoyable to play as during the final case of the third game. Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations however... not so much. He's a good character but the sprite style they went with in that game (combined with the music) really destroyed the tense atmosphere of the series. The gameplay was very different, and I just couldn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as the others. Hopefully they'll make a classic style first person game where you get to play as Edgeworth.
Also on the agenda is StarCraft 2. I traded in Crackdown 2 and COD4 last week so I could buy it and while I didn't play it for a couple of days when I got to playing it I couldn't stop. I ave no history with StarCraft, didn't really follow this sequel or look in to the game at all before I bought it but I am a big RTS fan. The in-game cutscenes and in between mission point and click sequences really held my interest. Most RTS games will just have some shoddy menus but having it all in-game really drew me in to the world and the story. You shuld give it a go if you're interested. It looks how it plays on Giant Bomb. What you see is what you get.
Anyway, back to the illustration. Here it is:
Disclaimer: I base my 'art' on existing images from the games, they are not intended to be original. It's more just fun for me.

 Miles Edgeworth, Perfect Prosecutor
 Miles Edgeworth, Perfect Prosecutor
I was really excited to do one of edgeworth and I love his Objections but I definitely don't think this is as good as my Godot illustration. Not as stylish. I spent so much time on the ruffles and the hand, detail is not my thing and they were a bitch. I had a hard time thinking about the composition and it just wasn't working. The space around h

Anyway, I'd like to hear feedback and any other characters you want me to do next. I'm thinking either Chief Prosecutor Gant, Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice or Emma Skye.

Previous Illustrations:

Prosecutor Godot
Diego Armando
Detective Gumshoe