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Meow Meow Meow

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Top 5 from 2013

A least of (currently) 5 games I played and enjoyed in 2013.

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  • Firstly, I am unabashed fan of the series, there are plenty of justifiable criticisms that can be laid at it's door, but the series had maintained a steady quality in spite of being a yearly franchise. Now, that said, I was actually going to give this one a miss, truth be told, even I was getting burned out. The thought of now with pirates! seemed a tad one the nose for a series getting driven into the ground. Thankfully, I was wrong, it's a really strong entry in the series, and the ideal version to play for people who have previously been put off by other historical outings.

  • I enjoyed my time with Infinite, the combat was bearable and varied enough, but the story and the characters were the real draw, combined with a beautiful art style, it was worth the price of admission.

  • Every time one is released, I say no thank you, months of hype later, I'm hooked in again. This is pretty terrific GTA game, and I would argue the best one I've played. Three characters was a pretty inspired choice, and they all bring something interesting to over arching (daft) tale of murder, revenge and the American dream. As the last Xbox 360 game I'll ever purchase, sure was a good one.

  • This was a real pleasant surprise, as someone who hasn't been interested in Tomb Raider since the second one, this one really managed to take enough cues from it's contemporaries to be engaging. Story was a relatively straight forward affair, but the mechanics and visuals were enjoyable from start to finish.

  • Although strictly speaking an expansion, this a great excuse to jump back in. It's very interesting update to the existing game and clearly not dissimilar to the way Firaxsis applied expansions to CivV. The new tech and subplots are a really enjoyable addition and do make it feel like a new game.