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Best of 2010

BassmanPaul: Best of 2010

List items

  • Bioware's finest hour, this game came out conveniently around my birthday, and as such made the beginning of this year a hell of a lot better.

  • This game became my go-to multiplayer title, especially when playing with a big group of friends. I never really could get into Halo 3 multiplayer, but it seems this game really spoke to me. Only missed top spot because I'm still yet to finish the campaign, whereas I could not put Mass Effect 2 down.

  • Rockstar's latest entry into the Western genre turned out to be fantastic, with a world so fully realized and fresh that it blew many games out of the water. Would be top spot, but as I have been unable to find the time to play it much, ME2 keeps the top spot.

  • The only game I have finished in a number of months, this title seemed to really speak to the inner japanophile in me. The combat system was very limited, and the game was generally easy (even on the hardest difficulty), but this was a diamond in the rough in this year's releases.

  • As a huge fan of the previous entry in the series, the subtle and tactful improvements made in this year's Fallout title made this a must-play for me. Despite this, the game suffers from too many hardware hiccups, largely thanks to a defunct game engine at its core. A missed opportunity, but another flawed gem.

  • This game is lower down on the list due to a rather lacklustre multiplayer - not that there is anything wrong with the gameplay, rather that there is nothing left in the CoD franchise to keep my attention. Whereas the latest Halo release seemed fresh and exciting, this title just screamed 'more of the same'. With this being the 3rd game since CoD4 to be virtually the same game, maybe its time to rethink the series. That being said, this was a solid addition to the year's release schedule, and no doubt provided hours of entertainment for my CoD-heavy friends.

  • Despite ruining this for myself by playing it around someone who beat the game before, this Narrative experience was a pretty exciting title. However, despite being visually and conceptually grand, limited interaction and a plot which got a little odd in places (i.e. the Augmented Reality cop), this turned out to be a really cool game. Unfortunately, I still prefer Fahrenheit!

  • A pun-tastic social RPG which actually made me dust off the old DS phat to play. Bravo, Squeenix.

  • How can you not love anything which lets you chainsaw zombies up?

  • A series which has always been so well regarded in my eyes (despite the weak gameplay of the first entry), this game would definitely be higher on this list if I was able to sink significant time into it. However, it is a game that I enjoy, but that has ultimately evaded me.