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"Nintendo's killing Let's Play!" isn't entirely true.

To catch you up: Nintendo is now sending out copyright claimant forms for anybody posting footage of their games on Youtube. This does not mean Nintendo is issuing takedown notices, Nintendo is just acknowledging that they, in fact, own the game footage that people are uploading to the site. What this means to you is that you’ll get a notice under your copyright section where Youtube will tell you that you have “matched third party content” and ask you to acknowledge this fact. If you are making money from that video via advertising, that money will no longer go to you and will instead go to Nintendo.

A lot of people are flipping out that this is WRONG, and that Nintendo is STEALING from a lot of Youtubers who are making money from Let’s Play videos. I co-run an infrequently updated Let’s Play channel, and we had hoped to one day make enough money from it to… I dunno, have around for a rainy day or whatever. So this effects me. But here’s the thing nobody wants to hear:

Nintendo should be doing this.

If something seems like it is too good to be true, it probably is. And you know what is really, absolutely, completely too good to be true? Making money just for recording yourself playing a videogame. Let’s Play has exploded in the last three years thanks to people putting ads over their videos and making a living off of it, to the point where its reaching over-saturation. Everybody, even me, has a Let’s Play channel. Well, guess what, kids? That gravy train’s over. The bubble is bursting.

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This image shows a Google Trends report for Game Grumps (borrowed from here). Grumps popularity peaked in December 2012 and has been in a downward slump in the nearly six months following. Game Grumps has been what I consider the poster child for “Monetized Let’s Play on Youtube”. They update frequently and consistently, and are generally speaking pretty entertaining… in a sense (how I feel about Game Grumps’ humor is for another post). Point is, by my estimates, at the peak of their popularity, Egoraptor and Jontron were probably pulling in thousands of not tens of thousands of dollars a month. If you figure Grumps made a penny on every view to their channel, that’s $1,783,791. That’s not realistic, of course, because you have to consider adblocking software and so on. But even if you cut that estimate by a fifth, they still made nearly $30,000 a month. So, Game Grumps is a pretty big deal in the “talking over video games” market, and all signs point to the fact that Game Grumps is on its way out. Enjoy that F-Zero AX Cabinet while it lasts, I guess.

Okay, yes: Game Grumps is a single point of data. Doing a Google Trends search for “Two Best Friends Play” suggests those guys are having one of their best months on record. The notorious Pewdiepie is also having his best month on record.

But none of this changes the fact that Nintendo’s getting in while the gettin’ is good, and they have every legal right to be taking this money. These are THEIR games. Think of Rifftrax - Rifftrax sells funny commentary tracks for movies, but they do it entirely separate of the movies themselves. That’s because the Rifftrax guys do not have the rights to the movies they commentate over, and they probably never will, either. It’s the same here: If you talk over video of you playing Super Mario 64, you do not own that footage. You own your commentary, sure, but that’s an entirely separate thing. And guess what? You can’t sell no pre-recorded Rifftrax for something that requires variable user interaction. Get used to this, because this is the future of Let’s Play - Sega, Capcom, Konami, and Bandai have already started putting out similar claims to soundtracks used in videos. Playing Sonic Generations? You get flagged for having the Sonic Generations soundtrack in your video, thereby forwarding any advertising revenue to Sega. Castlevania games contain Castlevania music, which forwards advertising revenue to Konami. So on and so forth.

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It’s important to note that these are not traditional copyright claims. No negative strikes are placed upon your channel, no videos get removed, you just simply cannot make money from these videos anymore. Which brings it down to one single question:

Are you doing Let’s Play because you enjoy it, or are you doing Let’s Play because you think it’s an income source?

There were people producing Let’s Play videos before Youtube let you make money off of it, and after this change, those same people will probably still be producing Let’s Play videos. Nothing will change except for the fact that “Let’s Play is my job” guys like Pewdiepie might go away.

And you know what? Maybe that’s okay.

Do it for the love of the game, not the love of the money.



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The only one who is hurting this over a long time is Nintendo.

A. The ad revenue will not be high for Nintendo since the people with a lot of views just stream something else.

B. Less coverage means less PR. And Nintendo is not in a spot who actually can allow less and less PR. They desperately need PR and exposure. And people with 100 views will not cover this. People do not watch these LP because of the game but because of the people who do these LP.

C. These people who actually make money out of it will not care long because there are tons of developers and puplishers including EA, Square Enix, Capcom and Co who love free PR. So yeah all that is hurting is Nintendo no one else.

Also you have no idea how much work the really good LP guys invest in their work. They are not one the top for nothing. Stop making this look like an easy job because it is not. It is stressful, long and exausting.

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Edited By Hailinel

@darji: It's tqlking over a video game with a mike and video recording. It's not that fucking hard. Like it or not, Nintendo is well within their rights and this won't hurt them at all.

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Edited By triple07

@darji: You seem to have an investment in this beyond being an observer. Mind if I ask if this directly affects you, because from your posts it seems like it does.

Also I would like to point out that according to this Joystiq article Activision, EA and Square Enix employ this same tactic that Nintendo is just now doing.

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Edited By Darji

@hailinel said:

@darji: It's tqlking over a video game with a mike and video recording. It's not that fucking hard. Like it or not, Nintendo is well within their rights and this won't hurt them at all.

Wrong. The good ones do a lot of editing. They sacrifice a ton of time to get everything right. We are not talking about these 100 view LP guys. And yes it is Nintendo's right to do so. No one is arguing about that. But everyone who only has some common sense and understand the whole internet thing is saying that it is a stupid move. But lately Nintendo is doing stupid shit all the time so it is really just fitting.

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I'd rather have lets plays from people who like to do it, or like the games, not som monkeys looking for a profit.

Outside of the more organized buisniesses like Gb obv.

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I think that video games warrant a slightly different legal perspective on the basis that playing a game and watching someone play a game are not the same experience. If you watch a movie on Youtube, that's the same as watching it on your own TV barring a massive quality difference. Should LP'ers make money off of their LP's? I don't think it's particularly wrong. I can't say that I feel much sympathy for those who are losing their, uh, "job", but I can't equate it to copyright infringement either.

I would have a much bigger problem with Nintendo and other companies taking this position if they were forcing LP'ers to take their videos down, or worse, trying to sue them or something crazy like that. Nope. They just don't want people making money off of videos of their products. If you don't make money off of it, you can upload as many as you want, and if that's the way I don't see an issue.

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Edited By Darji

@deskp said:

I'd rather have lets plays from people who like to do it, or like the games, not som monkeys looking for a profit.

Outside of the more organized buisniesses like Gb obv.

Yeah have fun because reviews are affected to according to GameXplain and these even have deals with Nintendo but since all this shit is automatic they are now suffering too. And the same is or will happening with giantbomb and nintendo videos and their quicklooks which are still being uploaded on youtube.

And its is already confirmed that these are even for videos under 10 minutes.

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So yeah...

Also lol at people who still believe that these big LP just record videos and then upload them or do not even have an organized system like GB for example.

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@darji: The people using common sense in this debate are the ones siding against the LP producers. They're using copyrighted works for personal profit without license to do so.

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Edited By Darji

@hailinel said:

@darji: The people using common sense in this debate are the ones siding against the LP producers. They're using copyrighted works for personal profit without license to do so.

Yeah? Show me these people with common sense? Developer? NOPE? Indy Developer? NOPE? Youtube celebs? NOPE People with business sense? NOPE So who are these people some guys on Neogaf who think that these people should rather find real jobs even it is their real job? Please show me these people with quotes. Maybe tweets? come on show me.

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@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

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Edited By Fredchuckdave

@blazehedgehog: It's not so much a bubble as a plateau that's getting more and more unreachable; for retards guys like Pewdiepie there's not really any chance of them somehow ceasing to be efamous and successful for doing something similar to this. But someone just starting now has a very small chance of success unless they know someone who's already huge. In general the best LPers are still extremely small and spawned from Somethingawful, and they don't profit from it so this doesn't really affect anything. A guy like Northernlion is good but not great (well great by youtuber standards I suppose) and also does almost exclusively Indy games which will be entirely unaffected by these sorts of moves. Now if something like SOPA gets passed then we'll have rather serious issues, but until then.

Making a shitty LP is piss easy, making a good one is extremely difficult and a lot of people just don't have the voice or charisma for it (note you don't have to be good to be successful as proven by Pewdiepie and almost all other Youtube superstars)

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I can't feel sorry for people who are blindsided by this. I know a lot of people put a lot of time and work into their videos, but really? It never occurred to them that one day this would happen? They get to keep their videos and their exposure, they just have to find a new way to profit off of it.

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@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

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@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

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I'm surprised this kind of thing didn't happen sooner, to be honest. Making cash for playing games and throwing the videos on youtube always seemed like one of those things that was just plain not going to last.

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Edited By Darji

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

And who is this guy? Is he important? Famous? Does he have any influence?

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I think Giant Bomb should be able to make money from ads attached to their Quick Looks of Nintendo games or any other games. The product is their contribution and playing of the game, not just the game content. And the same can be said of "Let's Plays" or other videos including game content.

While it is nice that Nintendo is going a different route than simply taking down such videos, this is still not a good thing for anyone involved. Nintendo gains more from videos of people playing their games, and the content providers should gain from them, as well. When content providers do well, Nintendo profits. This kind of action will only mean a souring of a relationship that has been beneficial to everyone involved.

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Edited By wjb

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

And who is this guy? Is he important? Famous? Does he have any influence?

He has 1000 posts. He's kind of a big deal.

Also: "YouTube celebrity," lolololololol.

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I saw a bunch of people yelling about Nintendo so I went to see what it was all about.

Then I found out and realized it would be better if we all just died tomorrow.

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Edited By Darji

@wjb said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

And who is this guy? Is he important? Famous? Does he have any influence?

He has 1000 posts. He's kind of a big deal.

Also: "YouTube celebrity," lolololololol.

I have over 500 posts. So what? posts do not tell you anything... And yes Youtube celebrities. Again there are ton of people who make money with youtube.

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@hailinel: Has nothing to do with common sense. Yes Nintendo is well within their rights to do this but it's not a smart move and further proves they still haven't figured out how the Internet works for reasons I've gotten into way too much in the other thread to repeat here.

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I've done a few LP's, and I've always been adamant about keeping my stuff ad-free. Mostly, it's because I don't believe I should profit off of games that I didn't make. I just think I would be more comfortable with Nintendo extending that same courtesy to the LP community. They are not providing the personalities and commentary in the videos, so they should not receive the ad revenue from them. Money never should have entered into the practice of recording yourself saying dumb shit over videogames.

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Edited By Hailinel

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

And who is this guy? Is he important? Famous? Does he have any influence?

Does that really matter? He's speaking from the common sense standpoint of:

  1. The copyrights of these games are owned by Nintendo.
  2. People producing these Let's Plays are essentially showcasing the games in their entirety and making a profit off of doing so.
  3. Since a video game is generally not meant to be used in the manner that the LP producers are using them, the production of a Let's Play does not fall under the category of "fair use."

Therefore, these videos should not be a source of profit for the producers. Nintendo has a legitimate claim to the ad revenue they generate, however meager that revenue may be. If the producers of these videos wish to make a profit off of them, then they should try negotiating the right to do so with Nintendo (or whoever the legitimate copyright holder is). The very same was done when Mystery Science Theater 3000 was produced. The show creators couldn't just take a movie and turn it into an episode; the networks that broadcast the show (Comedy Central, Sci-Fi Channel) had to pay distributors for the right to broadcast the films. Even when the series was a cable access show, they were restricted to using whatever movies were in KTMA's library of films compiled through paying syndicators for broadcast rights.

That is common sense. What isn't is throwing a bitch fit because a big corporation won't let you profit off of their material without consent.

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Edited By Darji

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: If their jobs revolve around exploiting copyrighted material without consent, they're asking for trouble.

Where are these common sense people you are talking about?^^

Also again most publishers are totally fine. As for example Indies have huge sales increases because of this. Square Enix gave 100 LP and streamer early copies of FFXIII-2 without any regulations. They just had to play this game and then tell what they think about it. Capcom does the same. Hell they even do their own LP's from time to time. Yes Nintendo has all the right to do it but they are stupid if they do it because they are losing a ton of coverage and free Pr and instead gaining a lot of negative PR. Not even EA and Co do this stuff. So yeah Nintendo is worst than EA XD

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

And who is this guy? Is he important? Famous? Does he have any influence?

Does that really matter? He's speaking from the common sense standpoint of:

  1. The copyrights of these games are owned by Nintendo.
  2. People producing these Let's Plays are essentially showcasing the games in their entirety and making a profit off of doing so.
  3. Since a video game is generally not meant to be used in the manner that the LP producers are using them, the production of a Let's Play does not fall under the category of "fair use."

Therefore, these videos should not be a source of profit for the producers. Nintendo has a legitimate claim to the ad revenue they generate, however meager that revenue may be. If the producers of these videos wish to make a profit off of them, then they should try negotiating the right to do so with Nintendo (or whoever the legitimate copyright holder is). The very same was done when Mystery Science Theater 3000 was produced. The show creator's couldn't just take a movie and turn it into an episode; the networks that broadcast the show (Comedy Central, Sci-Fi Channel) had to pay distributors for the right to broadcast the films. Even when the series was a cable access show, they were restricted to using whatever movies were in KTMA's library of films compiled through paying syndicators for broadcast rights.

That is common sense. What isn't is throwing a bitch fit because a big corporation won't let you profit off of their material without consent.

1. Everyone is aware of that.

2. Right they are showcasing the game which means free PR. PR a lot of games actually helped. It helped them so much that Big publisher actually give famous LP guys early copies of the game. Just to promote their game.

3. Wrong: Even people with these "contracts" are suffering right now because it is not manually but automatically. So even if you have these kind of agreements with Nintendo you will not get any ad revenue from your videos. So much for this then.

Further more lets play is a gray zone and normally publisher as I explained like a hundred times already do not mind hell even support these LP's and Live streamer.

The biggest "fuck you" to all your points would be again Minecraft. Without these LP videos Minecraft would have never gotten the success it got now. It was a phenomena and who do you think does Notch thank for that? Right LP and live streamer. People actually build companies around these LP's. Like Yogscast for example. Video games are awesome, Totalbiscuit and his coverage. Hell even Giant Bomb does this in some form.

Also I will say it again. People do not watch LP because of the game but because of the person playing and producing it. so basically Nintendo makes now money with the work of other people because these people ad a lot of personality and work in these videos.

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Edited By Karkarov

@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: The people using common sense in this debate are the ones siding against the LP producers. They're using copyrighted works for personal profit without license to do so.

Yeah? Show me these people with common sense? Developer? NOPE? Indy Developer? NOPE? Youtube celebs? NOPE People with business sense? NOPE So who are these people some guys on Neogaf who think that these people should rather find real jobs even it is their real job? Please show me these people with quotes. Maybe tweets? come on show me.

I have my own youtube channel where I have done Let's Plays among other things. I have also refused monitization or being a youtube partner. I am telling you these youtube people (like Pewdiepie) need to get off their lazy, leech, no talent asses and find a real job. Making money off someone watching you play a video game is not work, talking over someones copyrighted materials does not make it yours or give you legal right to it, and posting videos to youtube is not a job.

Let's Players have absolutely no legal grounds to make money on these videos and if any of them try to fight what Nintendo is doing they will come up on the losing side of a legal battle. To be more blunt, ever watched a DVD at home? You see that big legal warning that pops up about not making money off showing it to other people? That applies to more than just movies.

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@darji: Minecraft's situation doesn't matter. That's hardly a "fuck you."

What Nintendo is doing does not prevent people from creating Let's Plays of their games. The producers of the videos just aren't allowed to profit off of them. All you're doing is trying to justify your impotent anger.

But seriously, what stake do you have in this? Are you suddenly losing out on money from a StarTropics Let's Play you recorded three years ago?

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Edited By Rainbowkisses

@darji said:

People like @blazehedgehog. Read this thread.

And who is this guy? Is he important? Famous? Does he have any influence?

I like his let's plays, if that counts for anything.

On the topic, I really have no problem with this idea. Let's Plays are only providing a few people, such as Pewdiepie, a substantial amount of money that they can live off of, and I don't think anyone is the LPer is entitled to that money.

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@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: The people using common sense in this debate are the ones siding against the LP producers. They're using copyrighted works for personal profit without license to do so.

Yeah? Show me these people with common sense? Developer? NOPE? Indy Developer? NOPE? Youtube celebs? NOPE People with business sense? NOPE So who are these people some guys on Neogaf who think that these people should rather find real jobs even it is their real job? Please show me these people with quotes. Maybe tweets? come on show me.

Common sense is not dictated by if you are a developer, a youtube celeb, or anything else. If that were the case, then Nintendo would win the common sense argument since they are the developer. The problem with your request is that you will dismiss anyone with a counter-argument even if they were to use common sense. The "common sense" argument against Nintendo simply revolves around this idea of bad PR affecting Nintendo sales, which cannot be factually proven until we actually see the results of this.

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@karkarov: Oh come on dude are you really gonna take someone to task for making a living playing video games? Really? If this were something super shady you might have a point but it's not, in fact there's a lot of devs I saw on Twitter today saying how they get a lot of business from Lets Plays. And it's not just small indie devs, what are people who stream Starcraft and DOTA doing? They're making money playing someone else's game and Blizzard and Valve are totally cool with it. The next Playstation (and I would almost guarantee the next Xbox) have that functionality built right into it.

I'm not arguing that Nintendo doesn't have a right to do this, they totally do, but it's a dumb move on their part and shows how far behind everyone else they are. And dude if you wanna take a moral stance on not getting paid to do this sorta thing that's totally cool but if I could trade my construction job to sit on my ass and play video games, especially knowing the devs are cool with it, I would have zero problem with that.

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Edited By Hailinel

@karkarov: Oh come on dude are you really gonna take someone to task for making a living playing video games? Really? If this were something super shady you might have a point but it's not, in fact there's a lot of devs I saw on Twitter today saying how they get a lot of business from Lets Plays. And it's not just small indie devs, what are people who stream Starcraft and DOTA doing? They're making money playing someone else's game and Blizzard and Valve are totally cool with it. The next Playstation (and I would almost guarantee the next Xbox) have that functionality built right into it.

I'm not arguing that Nintendo doesn't have a right to do this, they totally do, but it's a dumb move on their part and shows how far behind everyone else they are. And dude if you wanna take a moral stance on not getting paid to do this sorta thing that's totally cool but if I could trade my construction job to sit on my ass and play video games, especially knowing the devs are cool with it, I would have zero problem with that.

You keep missing the important point that Nintendo is not taking these Let's Plays down. They're still allowed on Youtube and allowed to be viewed. The people making them just can't derive ad revenue from them. Nintendo will continue to get publicity from Let's Plays of their games that are posted. Anyone posting Let's Plays without intent of profit have nothing to fear.

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Edited By Darji

@hailinel said:

@thesoutherndandy said:

@karkarov: Oh come on dude are you really gonna take someone to task for making a living playing video games? Really? If this were something super shady you might have a point but it's not, in fact there's a lot of devs I saw on Twitter today saying how they get a lot of business from Lets Plays. And it's not just small indie devs, what are people who stream Starcraft and DOTA doing? They're making money playing someone else's game and Blizzard and Valve are totally cool with it. The next Playstation (and I would almost guarantee the next Xbox) have that functionality built right into it.

I'm not arguing that Nintendo doesn't have a right to do this, they totally do, but it's a dumb move on their part and shows how far behind everyone else they are. And dude if you wanna take a moral stance on not getting paid to do this sorta thing that's totally cool but if I could trade my construction job to sit on my ass and play video games, especially knowing the devs are cool with it, I would have zero problem with that.

You keep missing the important point that Nintendo is not taking these Let's Plays down. They're still allowed on Youtube and allowed to be viewed. The people making them just can't derive ad revenue from them. Nintendo will continue to get publicity from Let's Plays of their games that are posted. Anyone posting Let's Plays without intent of profit have nothing to fear.

Wrong XD

They give you the option either let them get the ad revenue or they take it down and you get a strike and with 3 strikes your channel is banned. So yeah they are forcing this on to you. And no other company does this.

Here if you want more inside:

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And lol at people thinking that these guys for example do not work hard for their stuff. It is a job like you do everyday. They even work longer and harder than most of you and I ever will XD

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@hailinel: Not missing that point at all, I'm well aware of it. The fact remains however, the people getting the big numbers and the views are doing this as a job or to supplement income and while I'm sure a few of them may keep it up and just not monetize those vids, why would you play Nintendo games when there's a hell of a lot of fun games you can play and get paid for it? That's the point here, not that this is some shady legal business or that Nintendo is crapping on the little guy (at least that's not the point I'm making) it's that this is once again Nintendo not taking advantage of the internet and taking steps to "protect IP". I realize they're not the only ones who've done this but SO MANY other pubs and devs haven't because they get it. Free advertising is worth more then whatever revenue you'll get hijacking these vids.

And this idea that "oh well I don't need to get PAID to play these games, anyone who does disgusts me" is a load of garbage. How many of us when we were younger didn't dream of getting paid to play video games? Do I need to get paid to play them? No. Would I like to? Hell yes I would and there's nothing wrong with that.

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@darji: Whatever the case may be, LPers shouldn't be profiting off of work they don't have the right to use. It doesn't matter how hard they work (and seriously, it isn't that hard; certainly not as hard as you make it out to be).

And you continue to dodge the quest of what stake you have in this debate that you'd go to these lengths to defend copyright violators.

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@hailinel said:

@darji: Whatever the case may be, LPers shouldn't be profiting off of work they don't have the right to use. It doesn't matter how hard they work (and seriously, it isn't that hard; certainly not as hard as you make it out to be).

And you continue to dodge the quest of what stake you have in this debate that you'd go to these lengths to defend copyright violators.

Watch the video. This guy makes money of fair use stuff and he knows a lot more about it than you or I. And yes it is a lot of work. Ever tried to edit a video? Do you know how long this takes?

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I always think the idea of "its not as popular as it once was, so its dead/dyeing" kind if weard.

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@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji: Whatever the case may be, LPers shouldn't be profiting off of work they don't have the right to use. It doesn't matter how hard they work (and seriously, it isn't that hard; certainly not as hard as you make it out to be).

And you continue to dodge the quest of what stake you have in this debate that you'd go to these lengths to defend copyright violators.

Watch the video. This guy makes money of fair use stuff and he knows a lot more about it than you or I. And yes it is a lot of work. Ever tried to edit a video? Do you know how long this takes?

You're still dodging my question.

@hailinel: Not missing that point at all, I'm well aware of it. The fact remains however, the people getting the big numbers and the views are doing this as a job or to supplement income and while I'm sure a few of them may keep it up and just not monetize those vids, why would you play Nintendo games when there's a hell of a lot of fun games you can play and get paid for it? That's the point here, not that this is some shady legal business or that Nintendo is crapping on the little guy (at least that's not the point I'm making) it's that this is once again Nintendo not taking advantage of the internet and taking steps to "protect IP". I realize they're not the only ones who've done this but SO MANY other pubs and devs haven't because they get it. Free advertising is worth more then whatever revenue you'll get hijacking these vids.

And this idea that "oh well I don't need to get PAID to play these games, anyone who does disgusts me" is a load of garbage. How many of us when we were younger didn't dream of getting paid to play video games? Do I need to get paid to play them? No. Would I like to? Hell yes I would and there's nothing wrong with that.

It's not shady legal business to exert copyright law against those using your copyrighted material for financial gain without your consent.

I never dreamed of being paid to play video games. I've been paid to test video games (not the same thing), but even as a kid, any career aspirations I had regarding video games extended much, much further than getting paid to sit on my ass and crack bad jokes about Kabuki Quantum Fighter.

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I've been more than willing to defend Nintendo in the last few months, but this is shitty. The only person this hurts in the long term is Nintendo, who is creating ill will toward themselves from people who are effectively giving them free marketing, and decreasing the chances that their games get shown off by LPers in the future.

Granted, I don't give much of a fuck about copyright law, but this is a victimless crime situation as far as I'm concerned. The vast, vast, vast majority of people who are way into watching traditional LPs are not going to forego buying games just because they can watch them, instead, and more often than is the opposite, seeing a game you're way into is going to increase your chance at buying it; hell, I bought Persona 3, 4, and Deadly Premonition, because of Giant Bomb, and I can't get over the irony that people would, without any self awareness, applaud Nintendo for standing up to those evil YouTubers, as if what Giant Bomb does on a daily basis is functionally any different.

The only thing this accomplishes is making Nintendo look bad, particularly in an era where the other two console manufacturers seem to be building their very console architecture with this new LP culture in mind. Are they legally right to do it? Sure. But it's still pretty damn stupid.

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Edited By TheSouthernDandy

@hailinel: Dude, did you read what I wrote? I KNOW this isn't shady that's what I JUST said. I KNOW Nintendo is within their rights that is not the point I'm making at all. Again, read that article. Or don't. Whatever floats your boat.

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@hailinel: Why I try to defend this? Because I have an opinion it is as easy as that? why do you defend nintendo so much without not even knowing shit about what real LP have to do to make their channel successful, how much work it is, how we already showed you 2 very very good articles explaining to you how this is even a fair use of work and how no one else does this in this industry.

So yeah what question do I dodge?

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@hailinel: Dude, did you read what I wrote? I KNOW this isn't shady that's what I just said. I know Nintendo is within their rights that is not the point I'm making at all. Again, read that article. Or don't. Whatever floats your boat.

I misread what you wrote. I apologize.

But my point that people don't need to be paid to make these videos still stands. If you base your career on the use of copyrighted material without consent, you're asking for trouble, plain and simple.

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Yeah this is awful! Now Nintendo won't get free advertising for all their awesome upcoming Wii U games like......

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Edited By TruthTellah

Wait, when did people who make Let's Play videos or who include game content in their videos become synonymous with copyright violators?

I'm not sure why anyone needs to defend Nintendo's actions simply through tearing down a whole category of online video entertainment. It's especially odd on Giant Bomb of all places, home of the Endurance Run.

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@hailinel said:

@thesoutherndandy said:

@hailinel: Dude, did you read what I wrote? I KNOW this isn't shady that's what I just said. I know Nintendo is within their rights that is not the point I'm making at all. Again, read that article. Or don't. Whatever floats your boat.

I misread what you wrote. I apologize.

But my point that people don't need to be paid to make these videos still stands. If you base your career on the use of copyrighted material without consent, you're asking for trouble, plain and simple.

Again FAIR USE..... Maybe you should read and watch the articles and videos we are giving to you.

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Edited By Hailinel

@darji said:

@hailinel: Why I try to defend this? Because I have an opinion it is as easy as that? why do you defend nintendo so much without not even knowing shit about what real LP have to do to make their channel successful, how much work it is, how we already showed you 2 very very good articles explaining to you how this is even a fair use of work and how no one else does this in this industry.

So yeah what question do I dodge?

What stake do you have in this? The way you argue, it's like you're losing out on money because of what Nintendo is doing.

And like I said, it doesn't matter how much work it is if you're using copyrighted material without consent. You could upload a meticulously edited Let's Play that took you days to produce or something you slapped together in an afternoon; either way, if you try to profit off of it, that profit is predicated on content that isn't yours.

Wait, when did people who make Let's Play videos or who include game content in their videos become synonymous with copyright violators?

I'm not sure why anyone needs to defend Nintendo's actions simply through tearing down a whole category of online video entertainment. It's especially odd on Giant Bomb of all places, home of the Endurance Run.

Atlus very well could have sent Giant Bomb a cease and desist while the P4 ER was still ongoing; heck, they could do it tomorrow, if they so desired, but they didn't, and they probably never will. They certainly have the right to do so, however.

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Edited By casper_

i wonder if this will have any effect on smash tournament streams.

also forgive my ignorance but how is this different than MST3K or quick looks for that matter where the material is being parodied or critiqued? does MST pay to use those films or is it covered by fair use?

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@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel: Why I try to defend this? Because I have an opinion it is as easy as that? why do you defend nintendo so much without not even knowing shit about what real LP have to do to make their channel successful, how much work it is, how we already showed you 2 very very good articles explaining to you how this is even a fair use of work and how no one else does this in this industry.

So yeah what question do I dodge?

What stake do you have in this? The way you argue, it's like you're losing out on money because of what Nintendo is doing.

And like I said, it doesn't matter how much work it is if you're using copyrighted material without consent. You could upload a meticulously edited Let's Play that took you days to produce or something you slapped together in an afternoon; either way, if you try to profit off of it, that profit is predicated on content that isn't yours.

@truthtellah said:

Wait, when did people who make Let's Play videos or who include game content in their videos become synonymous with copyright violators?

I'm not sure why anyone needs to defend Nintendo's actions simply through tearing down a whole category of online video entertainment. It's especially odd on Giant Bomb of all places, home of the Endurance Run.

Atlus very well could have sent Giant Bomb a cease and desist while the P4 ER was still ongoing; heck, they could do it tomorrow, if they so desired, but they didn't, and they probably never will. They certainly have the right to do so, however.

And why did they not do it? Because they are not stupid and hey got a sales increase because of this. Here is another thing Notch got the same offer from youtube as well and he would have made much much more money than Nintendo can ever do but he declined because he knows how much this free PR is worth. Nintendo on the other hand is just so out of touch with the market, with the internet they they are not realizing how damaging this will be for them right now and in the long run.

But yeah its late and I am out for the day. Maybe if you read and watch the stuff we posted maybe then we could try this again because without you knowing shit about anything it makes no sense to talk to you anymore anyway.

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@darji said:

@hailinel said:

@darji said:

@hailinel: Why I try to defend this? Because I have an opinion it is as easy as that? why do you defend nintendo so much without not even knowing shit about what real LP have to do to make their channel successful, how much work it is, how we already showed you 2 very very good articles explaining to you how this is even a fair use of work and how no one else does this in this industry.

So yeah what question do I dodge?

What stake do you have in this? The way you argue, it's like you're losing out on money because of what Nintendo is doing.

And like I said, it doesn't matter how much work it is if you're using copyrighted material without consent. You could upload a meticulously edited Let's Play that took you days to produce or something you slapped together in an afternoon; either way, if you try to profit off of it, that profit is predicated on content that isn't yours.

@truthtellah said:

Wait, when did people who make Let's Play videos or who include game content in their videos become synonymous with copyright violators?

I'm not sure why anyone needs to defend Nintendo's actions simply through tearing down a whole category of online video entertainment. It's especially odd on Giant Bomb of all places, home of the Endurance Run.

Atlus very well could have sent Giant Bomb a cease and desist while the P4 ER was still ongoing; heck, they could do it tomorrow, if they so desired, but they didn't, and they probably never will. They certainly have the right to do so, however.

And why did they not do it? Because they are not stupid and hey got a sales increase because of this. Here is another thing Notch got the same offer from youtube as well and he would have made much much more money than Nintendo can ever do but he declined because he knows how much this free PR is worth. Nintendo on the other hand is just so out of touch with the market, with the internet they they are not realizing how damaging this will be for them right now and in the long run.

But yeah its late and I am out for the day. Maybe if you read and watch the stuff we posted maybe then we could try this again because without you knowing shit about anything it makes no sense to talk to you anymore anyway.

And you still failed to answer my question.

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@darji said:

And why did they not do it? Because they are not stupid and hey got a sales increase because of this. Here is another thing Notch got the same offer from youtube as well and he would have made much much more money than Nintendo can ever do but he declined because he knows how much this free PR is worth. Nintendo on the other hand is just so out of touch with the market, with the internet they they are not realizing how damaging this will be for them right now and in the long run.

But yeah its late and I am out for the day. Maybe if you read and watch the stuff we posted maybe then we could try this again because without you knowing shit about anything it makes no sense to talk to you anymore anyway.

However on the other hand of why companies WOULD do this is my own personal experience. I already owned a copy of Persona 4, hadn't ever played it, but always had the intention of going and playing it sometime. But then after they started doing the ER, I was just "Welp. Guess I'll just watch this instead, no need to actually play the game." So while a well done LP might send some of the borderline people into buying it, it'll also make alot of borderline people decide that just watching it get played is all they need.