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Best of 2009

Blind_Evil: Best of 2009

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  • This is the epic, enthralling, once-a-generation RPG that I've been waiting for since Suikoden II. Maker be praised.

  • I will most likely be playing this at least ten hours a week for the next two years. That is bang for your buck, especially since I didn't buy the lame-o special edition*s*.

  • I don't like how they relegated Desmond's adventure to the background, but the mechanical improvements and likable Ezio won me over.

  • This game had the strongest marriage of narrative and gameplay of the year, easily. Brad did not at all overhype the subtle wonder of the ending, and all the implications it imposes on the rest of the experience keep it in your head. Best played in 1-2 sittings, by the way.

  • Tight shooter controls, interesting art style, humor, not-overwhelming RPG elements...This game had very few missteps.

  • The ridiculous last hour was both the best and worst thing about the game. Truly excellent co-op saved the game from being picked apart by my inner critic.

  • This series is like a cheeseburger. No matter how many times I eat one, the next is always anticipated, and while similar, just as enjoyable as the first time.

  • A good flight game will get me any day of the week, and this gem beat the hell out of the last Ace Combat game. Tight controls and ACTUALLY intense (not just advertised as such) dogfights made it one to remember. Co-op is, of course, always a nice addition when done well enough.

  • I had three friends in a room playing this for about two hours and I can say with confidence that it was the most fun I had in any two hour stretch of gaming all year. Unfortunately the experience pales without so much chaos.

  • This pretty much delivered the motion-controlled experience I'd hoped for when I bought the Wii in 2006. Unfortunately it is only lasting fun with friends, and Dragon Age/Modern Warfare 2 don't much like me seeing my friends. Bullies.