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Favorite games in 2013

This is a 'best of 2013' list in a way, but it includes any games that I played in 2013 and enjoyed.

List items

  • Amazing cinematics, fantastic visuals, and one of the more unorthodox main characters in a game. Joel is not a hero, and the game doesn't attempt to portray him as one. There are no "good" people in this game.

  • Addictive, sometimes nerve-racking, and OH MY GOD the music is phenomenal.

  • Trevor may just be the most genuine character that I've ever seen in a video game. He's certainly one of the best.

  • What I've played so far tells me that this game is a fine balance between a more streamlined attempt at stealth and the oftentimes punishing stealth of the older Splinter Cell titles.

  • I have now tried World of Warcraft, The Secret World, and Guild Wars 2 along with The Old Republic. I can honestly say that I didn't enjoy World of Warcraft and Guild Wars 2's "No Classes" feature didn't gel with me. On top of that, I realized that I need a story to keep me going. The Old Republic offers that in addition to better animations, graphics, and a smarter UI than World of Warcraft. The Secret World would be on here, because it does have the most unique universe out of every MMO I've played, but The Old Republic simply took most of my time.