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Steam games

games on steam I own, favorite platform

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  • the BEST!

  • one of my favorites

  • does this count as owning?

  • as much as I enjoyed this, I have no desire to replay it

  • kinda not digging it but bought on sale with a friend

  • I was so happy to see this on steam I bought it day one. Although I hate it when reinstalling it on steam because I loose my stats.

  • I tend to play this only when I watch too much news. It's not that the news gets me angry, but instead when I get too into news and kinda feel empty and like military doesn't make any sense to me

  • I got this with the Id Pack, but it's fun to play every now and then

  • ugh, Okay, when it first came out, on the beta when HL2 was not even out it was amusing. It was interesting, But lord, do I just loath this game. And I stopped when I had to stomach all of those kiddie drama on the voice chat.

  • the game I used to rebuild my PC..... And I can't get it to run faster then 15 FPS. Still I enjoy it, flaws and all.

  • more linear then the first one, which really looses my interest in it

  • I'm one of those few who actually enjoy Doom 3 a lot. It is what it is, so I don't demand it to be anything more. It's still good at what it does and it does have a lot of enemies with a simple shotgun design that makes me proud to be an id fan.

  • gravity gun wanna be, bullet time wanna be.... you know this game does feel like Id trying to play catch up with what was going on with other games at the time... and it's half way decent like an expansion pack usually is. There are moments where it's fun, it's not a waste of time

  • I bought this day one, I own it on PC Disc, I own it on CD, But now I own it on steam. I tend to reinstall this a lot on laptop often. It's such a fun game, never gets dull once. AND DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN!!!! John Romero head on a stake, this game is perfection

  • meh.... as mush as I wanted to play this, it does smell like a collection of random Wad files on BBS during the mid 90s. It's dated and poorly slapped together and doesn't hold up well... and I seriously don't like the idea of "Final Doom" nah doom should live on FOREVER

  • THE BEST HL2 MOD EVER! Totally worth paying the small price and just being a complete goof off. IT'S THE BEST!

  • I owned this on CD.... and it's aged really badly

  • the reason I got into steam. It's a shame that they started collecting the time I spent on this game like last year, but I'm fairly certain I replayed this well over 50 times. I tend to test out any mod for it, and I love everything about it.

  • you know, it's a shame my friends can't get this because I got this for free like the first few weeks after the release of HL2. It was cool back in those first weeks but the shooting mechanics don't hold up well for multiplayer

  • fast paced, excellent humor, amazing build up. JUST WONDERFUL

  • that cliff hanger just really hurts me knowing that episode three is delayed forever.

  • again I'm surprised people actually have to pay for this and doesn't come free with hl2. I mean I got this for free to test out HDR, and I owned a readon card which was claiming to play hl2, but sadly it couldn't handle the HDR on it.

  • sigh, fond memories of the first Doom clone which was RPGs

  • sigh, the first big Quake change into an attempt into making an RPG... it's somewhat of a failure, but it's BOLD and ambitious for a shooter in the mid 90s

  • more of a Doom mod then later it's a quake mod, but very bold attempt in changing away from Heritic. Large massive maps, lots and lots of backtracking. WONDERFUL!!!

  • never did play this mod, I should give it a shot

  • actually I'm not too crazy about this as much as other friends are. It came out the same time as Left 4 Dead, and feels like it's not as innovative as L4D

  • I actually like this a lot, it's flawed, it's broken, but it's HELLA RAD!!

  • blah, what a horrible game, really feel sad for anyone who paid full price for it.

  • it's cute, I'm not too fond of Console ports that cannot read my 10 year old USB controller that not a 360 controller. But it's cute

  • I really enjoy this game on my steam games, it's a nice change from the realistic shooting sim.

  • just a perfect joy, the best game to own on steam, especially since it runs beautifully on a laptop.

  • again, buggy... some small updates here and there. I'm taking my time with this one also

  • cute, quirky, simple, I like it

  • Best game by valve since Half Life Episode 2, in fact it's made me forget the long period of delay on episode 3.

  • OH GOD! I love this game so much, I mean I played A LOT OF IT Back in the day when I had a terrible 28.8 k modem. It's so horribly dated, but god is it fun.

    The one thing that sucks no CD with the original NIN music.

  • aged really badly, I'm not fan of the whole strog storyline. You know this is the moment where id really did benifit a lot from John Romero's involvement. It's a bit dull and uninspired. Yes, Quake 1 is a bit random with it's Norse mythology, rocket launchers and cthlulhu as it's first world boss, but Quake 2's attempt to make a more consistent universe it looses a lot of personality

  • the beginning of the end of PC games going too hardcore. It doesn't hold up well, in fact that's why Action Quake is doing so poorly now that this game is FREE. There's a lot to Enjoy about Quake 3, but I do think it's also the biggest problem of PC gamings turning into autistic head shots that want to turn down the graphics down to a blazing frame rate.

  • I really loved the Quake missions packs especially the inclusion of the new weapons the HAMMER, OH THAT'S JUST TOO MUCH FUN!

  • You know Quake expansions do feel random but it's still a lot to enjoy about what they tried to do with the franchise.

  • not as bad as people make it out to be, it brought us enemy territories. I just recall it was MONTHS before Medal of Honor 2 came out and really changed the industry of FPS. It's still a good change of pace even without Hitler in a giant mech suit

  • blah

    you know what, I'm not pro killing wookies. What did Wookies ever do against you? They got to sit shot gun with han solo. Aside from that, HORRIBLE PC PORT just mind blowing how bad it is.... AND THIS CAME OUT A YEAR AFTER THE CONSOLE PORT. JESUS CHRIST

  • I'm not feeling this as much as everyone who I personally know hypes it up.


  • like a comfortable new pair of shoes

  • delightful, kinda glitchy in that problem with physics on PC game, but yet it's able to be exploited. Just BEAUTIFUL

  • hmmmmm, it's not bad, the biggest problem is that's it's crap all slapped together to pander to the lowest common denominator. Why exactly do I need to feign death? When I'm going to get run over by a giant spider tank of doom? It's stupid, but there are enough options and variety your bound to find SOMETHING there.

  • seriously pick up the id Pack, just so many classic games that hold up really well to this day

  • hella addicted to this

  • THE BEST!!!!

  • I actually own this through Direct 2 Drive, I love the activation code, so it was lost for a good while. GOD BLESS STEAM

  • got it as a gift, WONDERFUL

  • I was morbidly curious about this game, because it would always request it on Garry's Mod.... kinda hate it.

  • got it as a gift, pretty fun. Love the art direction, don't like the flash like animation.

  • I intentionally skiped part 1 because I was holding out for a Steam Sale for this game. Waiting for a game as good as this is always makes it so much sweet.

  • I'm not a big peggle fan as other friends are, but I like showing this game to casual gamers who don't want to see blood and gore of most PC games.

  • A Massive update came a year and half later. Game runs tip top and now I can play it the way it was ment to be. To be honest it's better comparison with MDK, Armed and Dangerous or Ratchet and Clank then a hard core FPS.

  • .... i still need to finish this

  • Just picked it up on free weekend, and was quite surprised over it. It doesn't compare with TF2, but it's unique and quite charming. It's a solid 4 star game.

  • delightful insanity.

  • scary as FUCK

  • the special edition, I own 3 copies of this game, it's nice to own it on Steam.... and the Special Edition kinda grew on me. I despise the art and the voice work isn't as great as I imagined, but it's a good port worth getting on sale and it's a wonderful introduction to graphic adventure games.

  • i really wanted to like this, but the problems of a Dota and Free to Play structure really ruin it from the previous game


  • not much of a game, LOOKS BEAUTIFUL

  • a step down from brotherhood, but still interesting story and setting

  • too much junk to make batmite happy

  • kinda unique, kinda special, but lots of bugs

  • weird the sake of being weird. The commentary is awesome.

  • delightful

  • better then the TV Show

  • wild ride

  • smart, brilliant take on the theme of Alice

  • surprisingly addictive but a bit too punishing. It's charming to be honest

  • it's everything Duke Nukem 4 wishes it was, with a clever satire writing. Combat is delightful

  • Pretty cool, excellent open world combat with a new sense of elevation. And the plot worked out very well for a game that feels like it's made from another country. The graphics are BEYOND Excellent, as a native to New York they nailed everything about it pitch perfect

  • pretty cool, it's a bit too hard core, a bit too cluttered design interface but it's trying to be more accessible then other dota games who just change the art all together.