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I am not good at keeping up with blog posts

As you can plainly see. Add to my bad habit of blog negligence the fact that I maintain two blogs (three if you count my DeviantART, which NEVER gets updated), I'm surprised I haven't gotten a call from Blog Services and had my blogs taken away due to gross blog negligence. Blog.

Then again, since it's only been less than a month since Gears of War 2 came out, I'm pretty sure that the four or five people who DO read this blog haven't for the last month, and I don't blame them. Gears of War 2 is fucking awesome.

The quest to beat the game on Insane has come to a grinding halt. I'm not awesome enough to do it alone, and everyone I play co-op with seems to have trouble understanding the fact that you can't run right out into the open and chainsaw everyone on Insane. If you've gone through the campaign on Insane, you'll be well aware of the choke points I've had to endure many repetitions to finally get past. Cursing was heard, voices were raised, and death threats were made. So all in all, just another night of gaming for me.

Fallout 3 continues to blow my mind. I'll be honest with you, all five of you. I've never played Oblivion. I guess I was never as enchanted by the medieval times as I am by the sci-fi retro-futuristic Art Deco post-nuclear-apocalypse times. Which do you think sounds more fun?

My character, Isaac Reynolds (named for Isaac Clarke of Dead Space and Malcolm Reynolds of Firefly) does Science to things. He does Science to computers, machines, and bad guys. He does SO much Science in fact, that the Super Mutants' heads explode in sheer shock of perceiving the raw amounts of Science being done to them.


Wait, what?

And, of course, I'm still playing Rock Band 2. Starting to get the hang of Expert, but there are some songs down at the bottom of the list that I KNOW I'll never get. Panic Attack, Afterlife, Bodhisattva, Painkiller, and FUCKING VISIONS. I CAN'T EVEN BEAT VISIONS ON HARD. AWRAWRRAWRGAR. Here's to FC'ing Visions on Medium, because I know I'll never do better than that.

Next blog post will come when I become aware of the fact that I might be neglecting the poor little thing. Also, Fuck Visions.


Dead Space: Downfall. Also, do I have a problem?

I got a hold of a rip of the animated prequel DVD that came with the Ultra Limited Edition of Dead Space. Downfall is pretty much a prequel, covering the events that occurred immediately before Isaac stepped onboard the Ishimura.

It was decent. I saw a few inconsistencies between the movie and the game, but none that were alarmingly jarring. The voice work was, I think, mediocre. It sounded like a bunch of voice actors I recognized from TV stepped into a sound booth and read lines with the word "fuck" every three words or so. Eh.

Still, watching the Necromorphs infect and mutate the crew was awesome. The movie is gratuitously violent down to the last gory detail.

One question, though.

Why the fuck didn't we get energy laser chainsaw thingies in the game?! That would've been badass.

If you're a Dead Space fan, and you really liked the game, check this out. If you didn't think so highly of the game, you can live without it.

And now for something completely different. Well, not really.

Ever since I joined Giant Bomb, I've been raving about Dead Space.

I know it's a good game, but I guess I'll just have to keep raving until the next big game comes out, which should be Gears 2. I can't yet afford Fallout 3 or Fable 2, so those will have to come later.

I guess that's just how I am. I find a game I like, and I play it into the fucking ground. No moderation whatsoever. I guess you can expect similar results with the games mentioned above. I need to learn better control...

Also, I think my blog posts/forum posts/comments carry some kind of curse. I comment, and then no one comments or replies for days. What's the deal?


Setting up shop

Hey, this is Dark Spartan from Team Legit. Jake's been harping on Giant Bomb for a while now, and after doing some poking around, I think I've decided I'm here to stay.

Check back soon as I get everything sorted out here.