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Top 10 Games of the Year 2013

Here's my top 10 favorite games of 2013

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  • I'm not a fan of horror games and focusing more on making it a game about the horrors of man rather than jump scares was a plus for me. People don't think the combat was "deep enough", but I don't think it has to, to be a fun game. The story was mindblowing and will stay with me for years to come.

  • The best fighting game keeps getting better. Not only does it add characters, costumes and improvements and a discounted price, the "Core Fighters" F2P option is probably the best F2P option a fighting game have had so far.

    My only complaint is how challenging it has been to navigate PSN to find all the contend for DoA5U, but that is at no fault of the game.

  • I'm a firm believer in the fact that 2D is better than 3D... It's just a more timeless look that will never get dated and you'll find no finer 2D game this year than Dragon's Crown.

    Dragon's Crown is not just a beautiful brawler, but is filled with mechanics that makes it fun and interesting to grind away and discover new sides and new depth of the game.

  • My experience with the Assassin's Creed series has been the same as Jeff's: Started out visually impressive with 1, became a enraptured with the additional gameplay mechanics of 2 and Brotherhood, but from there on I cooled on the series fast, playing only bits of Revelations and 3.

    4 was one of those "Well, I might as well buy *something* for the PlayStation 4" purchases, but after sticking with it for a while and opening it up, I was pleasantly surprised to find myself back in with as much love for the series as I had by AC2.

    It's a well deserved "biggest surprise of the year" from Giant Bomb.

  • Grand Theft Auto is not "just another sandbox game". You can argue that the gameplay is servicable and the story is just "good", but if you look at the amount of detail that has went into creating the tiniest things in the game, you start realizing that Grand Theft Auto V is a work of love from it's creators and worth all the delays it may have had.

  • Dead Rising 3 might not be as challenging as the games in the series before it, but it *is* a lot of fun. Getting to level 50 and getting weapons like the "Split shot" allows you pretty much break the game and I love games that does things like this.

  • I love Dynasty Warriors.

    8 might not have a story as well planned out and structured as 7, but the many new gameplay mechanics add new layers of fun. DW8 Xtreme Legends is probably one of my most anticipated PlayStation 4 releases if 2014.

  • Platinum and Kojima is a match made in heaven. They both have the same level ridiculous dry humor and sense of secrecy that makes this game fun to master.

  • I did not enjoy the original Tomb Raider games and part of me was kind of upset that they'd gone the route of turning a beloved franchise into just another 3rd person shooter.

    I was however pleasantly surprised to find that it's a very, very good 3rd person shooter.

    I thought it was taking itself a bit too seriously from the offset, but once you reach the point where you get a grenade launcher I started really loving it. I'm looking forward to the sequel.

  • Arkham Origins is probably just cashgrab from Warner Brothers, but my expectations for this game were met just fine because I fully expected it to be more of the same. I like Batman a lot of Arkham Asylym is one of my favorite all time games so they'd have to mess it up a lot for me to not like a future Arkham game.