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Most anticipated games from E3

Here is my list of games I'm most looking forward to at E3, in no particular order

List items

  • Loved the first trailer shown last week, looking forward to seeing more at E3

  • Didn't like the original, but the upcoming sequel looks impressive

  • The new Criterion developed game in this franchise should rock - oh I just watched the EA press conference and would you believe it, but it totally did. WOOO!

  • Now *this* looks like a fun over the top game

  • Treyarch developed COD games usually have a better campaign than Infinity Ward ones IMO, hopefully they can sort out the multi-player stuff this time round too.

  • Third time's gotta be a charm for this ace franchise

  • Full body motion-controlled gaming has got to be worth seeing (again)

  • Multiplayer developed by Dice - HELL YEAH. Campaign is looking good too, more please

  • Looking forward to the new NFL pre-season in a couple of months and I missed out on buying Madden 10.

  • I have finished the game, so please reveal more about the DLC