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My list of 15 + 5 games I'm looking forward to for that E3 Quest

I couldn't narrow it down to just 15 games, so hopefully that quest really wanted a list with greater than or equal to fifteen games.  We'll see!

List items

  • Arkham Asylum was one of the best games I've played in the past few years. More of that? Yes please. I'm also super excited that the Riddler plays an even bigger role in this one. He is my favorite Batman villain.

  • I have been waiting for ages for a new Sly Cooper game. I'm a little wary that it's not Sucker Punch developing it, but I'm optimistic nevertheless.

  • Puzzle Agent was a surprise hit with me. Sort of a Professor Layton Lite, with a unique art style and sense of humor. I don't know where Nelson Tethers is going this time, but I'm prepared to follow him.

  • Speaking of Professor Layton, I can't help but be excited for his next adventure. Also speaking of Professor Layton, when are we going to hear more about the Professor Layton/Phoenix Wright crossover?

  • Rhythm Tengoku Gold was glued to my DS for a couple of months, and the best part about this? No motion control for the really precise timing. Can't wait!

  • Full disclosure: I have even played Mass Effect 2 yet. I know, it's terrible of me! But I actually enjoyed ME1 quite a bit, and from what I read and hear, ME2 is better in every way. I hope by the time this comes out, I'll have hit ME2, and can continue with my weird space doppelganger on his mission to have sex with all of the aliens.

  • I've never been a fan of the Tomb Raider games, but after Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, I have become more open to the idea. The trailers for this make it look like Lara is a more realistic character, in more ways than one.

  • I'll admit, I thought the first Uncharted game was severely overrated, but the second one totally made up for it. Here's hoping they keep up the great characterization and the ridiculous set pieces for the third one.

  • I realize that this is already out (in an incomplete form) and I could potentially play it right now, but I don't have a computer capable of handling it, so hearing that it's coming to Xbox Live is fantastic.

  • This is the only entry on this list that I am sure will make me scream. I might even hate this game. But I will still play it, over and over and over again. All while cursing its name.

  • Admittedly, I haven't had buckets of fun with a Mario Party game since about Mario Party 3, but Nintendo has scaled back the iterations substantially. I'd say it's about time for a new Mario Party. Perhaps it will show up on the Wii U and we can use the tablet controller to hold secret information, like a tabletop board game?

  • Honestly, this is one that I'm not too sure about. We all knew that Microsoft would be done with Halo, even if Bungie is. There is a rich history in the Halo universe that I quite like. I sort of hoped that they'd follow the ideas of Reach and explore something other than what happens with the Master Chief. We'll see how this goes.

  • This is another one I'm leery about, even more so than Halo 4. After what happened with Infinity Ward, and hearing that three separate development studios have a hand in this, I can't imagine it will be nearly as good as the last two games. Still, given that I was such a Modern Warfare fiend in the past, I can't help but be curious about how this will turn out.

  • And if that doesn't turn out, then I will officially be a Battlefield guy. I've never been very good at Battlefield, and I've never really liked the vehicle combat, but this looks gorgeous. If Modern Warfare 3 is a bust, then this will probably be my go-to military shooter.

  • Strangely, I almost exclusively play the Gears game for the story. For some reason, I never got into the multiplayer. Hopefully there will be some closure in Gears 3, and by that I mean hopefully Marcus and Dom finally succumb to their deepest desires for one another.

  • Some say that zombies are played out, but I think that if you can do something fun, the subject matter can't ruin that. Described as a mix between Left 4 Dead and Borderlands (two of my favorite cooperative games), this is shaping up pretty nicely.

  • Admittedly, I don't know much about this game. New Kirby on the DS? I'll take it.

  • After the good-but-not-great Brutal Legend and Costume Quest, I'm no longer in the camp of people who think that Double Fine can do no wrong. While I'm waiting for announcement of Psychonauts 2, I'll be happy with fighting mechs, I guess.

  • Not many people picked up the original Crush on the PSP, mostly because not many people picked up a PSP when Crush came out. The puzzles are mindbendingly difficult at times, and it totally lends itself to stereoscopic 3D. I hope that when you flatten the level, the 3D turns off as well. That'd be a neat effect.

  • Here's another entry that I don't know much about. I've been told that I'd like the old XCOM games, but then I've also been told that this one deviates from the formula quite a bit. So really, I don't know what to think. I'm keeping my eye on it.