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Quick Look: Supreme Text Recap

Here's a new thing I might be doing if there's enough interest or if it works out well enough or if I have enough time and stick with it. Tell me what you think and suggest some names for this thing.

The Game:

A pizza restaurant management simulation game on Steam.

The Quick Look: Running time of 27:06, starring Vinny Caravella and Alex Navarro.

Vinny starts a new game to show Alex the general gameplay (spreading toppings on pizza before delivering them) before jumping into his own save which is further along. In this save, he has upgraded to a nicer restaurant, has access to more unlocks, such as sandwiches and staff to order and order around, respectively, and is being presented with dilemmas of an economical and somewhat ethical nature.

Vinny works his lazy but skilled chef, Ron, to the bone while flipping over vehicles and giving away his money to shady politicians and the mafia until he reaches a point where he can no longer take out any more loans and is forced into game over bankruptcy.

Despite the game being glitchy and poorly made in general, Vinny expresses a positive outlook, but thinks it is not currently worth the $15 asking price. Alex says he thinks it would do well as a mobile game.