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The Gist Of It: Quick Look: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

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The Game:Link vs. Majora's Mad Moon

The Quick Look: Running time: 48:51, starring Dan Ryckert and Brad Shoemaker.

Dan mostly does side quests, like saving an old lady from a robbery, allowing him to explode his face, talking to a man masturbating into a box, and becoming the master of dancing twins using a faceless mask given to him by a ghost.

Brad discovers the reason he hates Majora's Mask is because the first time he played it, he was almost done with the first dungeon but wanted to stop playing and could only save by going back to the beginning of the game's three day timeline, so he just put the game in a drawer forever. In the new version, Dan explains, you can save at any owl statue.

Dan describes to Brad the rare nightmare he's had in recent years, in which he leaves his house to see that the planets are all way too big in the sky. It wasn't even that bad, apparently. Brad explains to Dan that it's impossible to use magical thinking to combat nightmares and that he's a meat-computer who can't escape cognition.

There's a discussion about what animals Dan and Brad would like to be. Brad says it would be cool to be a dog if he had a loving home. Dan says he's just happy being a normal human dude.

Dan spends a lot of the latter part of the video getting to a dungeon, but once he enters it, he doesn't get far into it before the video ends. Brad says he'd like to pick this up some time, but is afraid of playing it without the assistance of internet tips and walkthroughs. He also expresses interest in digging out his old cart to see where he got to the first time around.

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