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Best of 2015

2015 is the year I stockpiled a massive pile of games that I never finished. Metal Gear Solid V, Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Legacy of the Void, Halo 5, Just Cause 3, Hotline Miami 2... the list goes on and on. Nothing holds my attention anymore. I get bored so easily that I'd rather just surf Reddit than deal with any modicum of video game drudgery. If your game has a lull, I'm out. Gone. Next game.

Below is practically just a list of games that I finished in 2015, which was an accomplishment in and of itself.

List items

  • There wasn't a game this year that I enjoyed as much as simply rehashing the tried-and-true Assassin's Creed formula. Ubisoft didn't make the mistake of over-designing this game, unlike last year's Unity, and simply made something focused and fun. This game stands shoulder to shoulder with Black Flag as one of my favorite in the series, and is my 2015 GOTY.

  • 2015 is going to be remembered as the year where everyone was kind of let down by Fallout 4. Bethesda threw the baby out with the bathwater redesigning many of the game's core systems, leaving us with this kind of bad shooter. We all still kind of *liked* the game, but we accepted it grudgingly as it wasn't what Fallout was supposed to be.

  • Way worse than the last game in the series, but I played through it, and enjoyed it, so it qualifies for the list. STUNNING ACCOLADES

  • I've put maybe five hours into the team deathmatch mode. I don't know if I'm going back, but it was a good five hours. I'm going to pretend this game doesn't have other modes.

  • I played through it. It's no Dark Souls.