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Tentative 2015 Games I played this Year of the Year List

Not sure if I'm going to play Fallout or Just Cause before the year is out.

List items

  • The best Western RPG of all time, not much more needs to be said.

  • Most addictive game of the year, nothing really drives that addiction other than how fun the game is; lacks a sense of direction otherwise. MGO bumped this up over Rocket League.

  • Best Sports game in almost 20 years?

  • Another Souls game stalwart, refines the formula in numerous ways and is incredibly challenging on higher NG+'s

  • Basically a really damn good Used Map Settings map from Starcraft: Brood War but with a fairly large multiplayer base. Still holding out for this to go on PS+ so there's new people to play with.

  • Awesome fighting game, maybe doesn't have the universal appeal of the games above this on the list but I'm still playing and enjoying it.

  • Excellent old style Roguelike; first legitimately great PS+ game since Rocket League.

  • Yet another fantastic single player campaign, with the added benefit of mildly interesting co-op.

  • Best gameplay in the series as per usual. I don't think Arkham Knight does anything horrendously wrong, it just chose to come out in a year where everything was amazing.

  • This game's just a lot of fun, not sure where the complaints are coming from. Has as much depth as your average multiplayer game, just because it has a different format than most doesn't make it somehow worse.

  • Played this with a friend despite not having an XBONE, fun Halo game with really terrible AI and too many enemies. Also you fight the same boss like a dozen times.

  • Not a new game so can't really rate it super high. Scholar adds a lot of interesting variety to many of the levels and countless NPC summons. Most of these changes are fun and interesting but some of them actively make previously good areas worse so it's something of a mixed bag. Just started working on the DLC for the first time and that seems solid.

  • Looks unbelievably good, 3 new unique characters and LDK mode make for a fresh and entertaining experience.

  • I enjoy this game a fair amount, seems like a cross between Metro and Fallout with some Driving on the side. Melee combat feels a bit sluggish relative to other Batman games, which indirectly makes it more difficult. Car combat/exploration is excellent.

  • Excellent historical portrayal of the future, as thought of by the 1980's. Stupendous dialogue, anyone who says different is a Dickshitter.

  • I've only played this for a few hours so far but Black Flag is one of the best games on the PS3 so if you just give me "more Black Flag, with a boring protagonist" I'll be pretty interested. One early unscripted moment was 2 large ships fighting each other (a Man'o'War and a Frigate) while several brigs engaged on the edges of the fight, with my shitty unupgraded boat I managed to disable the Man'o'War and board it, like 2 hours into the game. That's some great stuff right there.

  • I got a chance to play this for about six hours. The game is gorgeous and quite fun with enormous interior environments; the problem is AC peaked at Black Flag (or 3 for multiplayer) and all the minor little tweaks they made to gameplay in this and Unity just make the game less playable on the whole; the environments are less "stock AC" but that just makes them more of a pain to traverse most of the time, the combat requires you to level up to beat tougher enemies which just makes no sense in an AC game. You have 2 characters but can't switch between them dynamically as you would in GTA V. I'll be mildly interested when they put out AC: V or reintroduce multiplayer, but until then I'm sitting out of this franchise. Rogue is better. complete rea For whatever reason when I was at Best Buy I noticed an XBone copy marked at 20 bucks but for some reason failed to buy it (I don't have one but the game is obviously worth more than that to sell), but that's a tale for another time.

  • Got this in the Humble Bundle for a buck, Raid mode is fantastic; especially dailies with low level weapons.

  • A solid sequel to the first game with generally more refined gameplay. Really bad design for the hard difficulty leads to poor replayability.

  • I really enjoyed my time with this game so far, especially the batshit insane multiplayer; I just haven't had much time to play it due to everything else.

  • Super fun.

  • Fun, short Metroidvania. Few asinine enemies right at the end make it a little sour.

  • Fun game, though they sort of gave themselves a license to make terrible platforming levels with the design since you have ~30 save states a level.

  • Haven't made it all the way through this as of yet but I've enjoyed it thus far, fantastic setting.

  • Fun, short game.

  • You must!

  • This game doesn't seem too horrible thus far.

  • Interesting game, extremely difficult as modern games go which I can respect; but usually difficult for stupid reasons. I'm still nostalgic about Twisted Metal 4 but I have a tough time believing anyone will be nostalgic about this game, other than the fantastic soundtrack (including amongst other things Dragula and Straight Outta Compton)