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Princesses That Doesn't Need Saving

This is a list with princesses in games that are strong or smart enough to take care of themselves.

Sometimes they can actually be saved, but will redeem themselves in the rest of the game.

List items

  • Ashe actually was kidnapped.

    She saved herself, though.

    Also, she is the protagonist of the game. Don't let Balthier fool you.

    Vaan? Who the hell is Vaan?

  • She kidnapped herself, alright.

    Also, she can summon Bahamut.

    Most Final Fantasy heroines doesn't need be saved, actually...Garnet isn't different.

  • Well...You save her in the beginning of the game.

    Then she enters in your party and sets off to save her boyfriend.

    Maybe it's nothing...but this is a Snes game.

  • Nothing to say...

    She is a princess...She uses a bow...THAT'S IT!


    Her route isn't canon, though.

    We can pretend it is.

    We can forget the extra ending.

    No one likes Rue, anyway.

  • She seems to be a dumb romantic interest in the remake. She was alright in the first game, though.

    She was as important as the other characters...Hers magic skills were strong...she cutted her hair.

    Garnet also cutted her hair, actually. Why do they keep doing that?

  • Like Max she don't really have a good personality, but...she's a good fighter.

    I liked her more than Max. Then again, swords are always faster than hammers.

    Who the hell gives the main character of a action RPG a hammer, anyway?

    Well, Max then becames jealous and tries to kill her shooting the airship that she was in down.

    He will say that it was a accident, but I tell you the truth.

  • Not that strong...but the best you can get from Capcom in a RPG, I think.

  • Didn't even remember that she was a princess.

    Well, the first female lord in the Fire Emblem series.

    The second female lord is also a princess...I'll add her too.

  • Here she is...

  • Not really a princess, but...

    She acts like one...

    Everyone treats her like one...they even call her one...

    Her title in the DS game is "princess"...

    Seems princess enough for me.