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Stock Simulator Day 48: KaosAngel needs to learn to be patient



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50. Godwind $2,541.43 91
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5. MarbleKnight $1,429.12 6
6. FluxWaveZ $1,375.00 7
10. Chaotic13 $1,315.87 13
 Video Game Stock Index
 So news on the street is that Gran Turismo 5 has been delayed again.  Before this was announced, KaosAngel had apparently bought some video game steering wheel controller to play the game.  As the phrase went, "Got Wheel for Christmas.  Nothing to play."  To this I have a few responses:
1) Does this really surprise anyone?  Is this really news worthy?  I know I am looking forward to Gran Turismo 5, but it isn't as if nothing else is around to play.
2) Who the hell buys an accessory without having a game to play?
3)  We all know the statement, "Got Wheel for Christmas.  Nothing to play." is a lie.  KaosAngel is actually a Muslim.  He tried to trick me into believing that he was a Christan.  He should have tried Druidism, or Taoism, or Judaism.  I would have been tricked much more easily.  You couldn't put the wool over my eyes this time.
Also, we should chip in money for KaosAngel and buy him an Xbox360, Forza Motorsport 3, and Project Gotham Racing 4, and a wheel.  Then give it to him on Thanksgiving day.  The trade off is that Kaosangel would have to dress up as a female pilgrim.  That would be fun to watch.

 If you want to invest in sony's latest delay in Gran Turismo 5, you should consider going to this site.  Search for Giantbomb and the password is "duder".