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  • The OTHER game on this list that managed to be the first in a series that I've successfully finished. A lot of criticism has been thrown at the SC series for moving into a more action-heavy style, but I think Blacklist offered a great combination of stealth and all-out combat with a non-remarkable yet entertaining political thriller narrative.

  • The follow-up to one of the best games (and launch games at that) of last gen, Super Stardust HD, delivered exactly what I wanted in a twin-stick shooter and arcade title: spruced up graphics with insane particle effects and solid, precise control.

    There is still something to be said of simple arcade-y style games with hidden depth and addictive gameplay; they're fuckin fun. Resogun can be reduced to being There's always a new enemy pattern to learn, power-ups to manage and of course the "Defender"-esque portion that sees you rescuing and carrying human survivors to safety. All of that and it's just FUN, old-fashioned style and all.

  • This isn't the only title that surprised me on this list, but it was one of the larger eye-opening games that made me glad I gave it a chance. I have NEVER been a fan of the CoJ series, but I do have a soft spot for westerns and the cel-shaded look and promise of a tight, briskly paced shooter lured me in. Controls were better than they've ever been and the skill and weapon unlock progression was a lot of fun to complete. This one also gets bonus points for giving me an old-school trope I love: interesting boss battles.

  • Both the first Hitman game I enjoyed playing all the way through and also the first I've finished. This game was a pleasant surprise in terms of a pretty straight-forward story with some of the strangest characters around and gameplay that was not so much more forgiving, but it offered a better sense of control. A big plus to me with this entry is the ability to still complete a mission in a different way if you happen to get caught and need to have a firefight to make it out. I...I killed Shannyn Sossamon :(