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Goly's ever increasing backlog

Feel free to recommend some games, I really don't feel like posting all the games I've played but I'll give you an idea:  
-I've played most Rockstar games  
-Only computer RPG I've played is Fallout (the first one) which I really liked. Second felt like sodomizing myself though (very hard).
-I love adventure games, Lucasarts fanboy, Sierra not so much, really enjoyed Gabriel Knight 1 though, and some of the Leisure Suit Larrys. Haven't played too much of the recent adventure games, the last one I remember beating was The Last Express I think.
-Haven't got an Xbox 360
-Well it would be easier if you just posted the systems you have, wouldn't it? (Now I'm talking to myself, wonderful). 

  • Playstation 1/2/3 
  • Wii/Gamecube and with virtual console nearly the entire Nintendo catalog, DS/Game Boys, N64 
  • Dreamcast (not really sure if it still works)
  • rebought a PSP (yayzers)
  • a not very powerful laptop,
I think that's it, I'll edit this if I feel something relevant should be said or if I see a good game to add to the list.

List items


    What can I say? Seems like the only thing I can think about right now is the stupid ending. I was playing with Lilith but I can imagine the other endings being as bad as this one. My god don't developers realize that we want kind of a nice reward for all the time spent playing the fucking game besides an achievement? It's one of the worst trends in gaming, rushed endings, if I would have known I wouldn't have bothered.

    But besides that the gameplay was extremely solid and fun, I really enjoyed watching my character progress and at the end it was kind of getting really easy to pull out these "bandit genocides" as I liked to call them, maybe a bit too easy really but still enjoyable. Still, eventhough the story really wasn't the main focus (although I've heard people praise its storytelling) I wish they would have put more time into thinking a satisfying conclusion to all this.


  • *NOT DONE*

    Can you believe I still haven't beaten this one yet? I'll tell you why: I COULD NEVER GET INTO HOW COMPLICATED IT IS! It might not be as complicated as I thought it was now, because I was like 14 when I bought it and I always had trouble understanding general RPG's game mechanics be it Deus Ex, Fallout or any game based on D&D's ruleset. I will beat you, you overly complicated mindfuck. Or maybe I'm just simple :[

  • *NOT DONE*

    OH YEAH, started this one a while ago, don't know why I stopped. I played quite a lot of it actually and have been meaning to beat it. Will be done eventually.

    Update: this might follow Borderlands, still in the vein of playing first person rpgs, but it's really gonna depend if I still want to play these kind of games, we'll see.

  • *DONE*


    HEAVAAAY! This sure was a heavy story, very well presented characters with tons of layers to their personality and a sense that you can't really get to know them. They are well defined but just like in the real life certain tramautising events will make them do some unpredictable shit. Heavy Violence too, like sitting directly under a rain of stones. See what I did thar? Tons of choices but still in a well determined path that "kinda" keeps the story coherent. You still want to get the best ending for all the characters though. First game I feel compelled to get all the achievements (mainly to see all the different possibilities of choices in the chapters)Update 1: I recently rebeat it to get all the trophies. Found some incredible plot holes and it felt way more incoherent than the first time I played it. Still revolutionary in what it's trying to do and Quantic Dream are getting better at what they're trying to achieve. Way better than Indigo Prophecy's story that's for sure. Still I wish they weren't so obsessed with having all those endings in their games, since, like most games that have multiple endings, only one or two are really satisfying.

  • *DONE*

    Yarl finally beat it. Had mixed feelings about it, feels like it was excessively ambitious and failed in its execution. It still is a good game but either it has aged poorly or it's simply a bit overrated. I think it's the latter because some games that came around its time or earlier had way better gameplay and the personally I think the story isn't that excellent. It has an incredible setting and eerie atmosphere though, I will give it that.

  • *DONE*

    Just beaten this one(again). What a wonderful experience, it's like Tim Burton had made a game, sort of, although much funnier than a Tim Burton movie. Absolutely loved beating it again on PC this time with the graphics up to the max. Much better than when I played it on PS2 that's for sure.

  • This...

  • ... and this... for this summer, hopefully.

    Update: well, my attempt at beating these two legendary games this summer has failed, seems like it will be for Summer 2011 then.

  • *NOT DONE*

    Love you Tim Schaffer, even if not everybody likes this game I'm pretty sure I'll love it all the same.

  • *NOT DONE*

    Again, Tim Schaffer's bitch speaking here, this one looks fucking awesome. Not really into the Halloween setting though, as a spaniard we never have really celebrated it properly but who gives a fuck, concept sounds amazing.


  • *NOT DONE*

    and probably won't, I have kind of lost interest in this franchise.


    but me wants to :`[