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Games that I own or have played (Current Gen Only)

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  • Okay, so I played Dark Souls. Although I was expecting it to be as hard, if not harder, than Demon's Souls, I actually had a much easier time with it than I did with Demon's Souls. Maybe it was because I played them back to back or something, I have no idea. However, I enjoyed Dark Souls ALOT more than Demon's Souls. Although neither of these games are especially rich in story line, they are both fantastic in their delivery of rewarding gameplay. I also like the fact that this game seemed less disjointed than the last one. Awesome game! (A+)

  • I really liked this game, especially the new visual style. Brutal executions. The ending is definitely a cliffhanger. (A)

  • More focused on multiplayer than campaign. A decent FPS, just not for story. (B)

  • More Uncharted goodness. If you liked the others, you will like this one. (A+)

  • Great game, solid story, many improvements over 2, suckfest ending. (A-)

  • My absolute FAVORITE Western RPG right now. (A++)

  • Upon reading all the praise that this game was receiving, despite my overall bad impression of third party Wii games, I decided to give it a whirl. When I first started playing it, I was initially turned off by the graphical style and the British sounding voices. However, after putting in almost 200 hours of game play, I can officially say that this is definitely one of the BEST JRPG's of ALL TIME. Why you ask? I could give many reasons (GIGANTIC maps, engaging story, interesting characters, 500 quests, etc.), but I will only give you one: nostalgia. Glorious, old school RPG, nostalgia. (A++)

  • I actually liked this installment better than the original. Although it is still somewhat linear, it gives more of an impression of being open than the other one. (A-)

  • Actually manages to outdo Arkham Asylum. I loved it! (A+)

  • I actually enjoyed this game quite a bit. An open world (island) FPS/RPG zombie game. Any game that has me apprehensive to travel into new areas is high on my list. (A)

  • Overall, a little disappointed with this one. It just didn't seem to live up to the previous installments. (C+)

  • A very fast-paced FPS. Highly explosive and enjoyable. (B)

  • I can honestly say that I did enjoy this game a bit more than Armageddon. I especially liked the "demolition derby" feel to the entire game. (B)

  • More Portal goodness. (A)

  • I had never played either of these games previously, so I wanted to go back and see what the deal was with them. I liked the gameplay, although vastly different, in both games, but I'm not sure I liked the minimalism of the stories. I enjoyed playing them though. (B+)

  • I REALLY enjoyed this FPS. It's kind of like Borderlands in a way, but with realistic graphics instead of comic book graphics. Great open world game play that can hand your ass to you if you go to the wrong place unprepared. (A+)

  • If you didn't care for the first one, you probably won't like this one either. Some of the new powers are pretty cool though. (C)

  • Gears of War goes medieval. (C+)

  • A typical FPS. Very interesting "America is being invaded" story line. (B-)

  • The culmination of the entire series thus far. Awesome! (A+)

  • A very strange action adventure game with some really beautiful visuals and level design. (B)

  • A very intriguing FPS that I really enjoyed playing. It had some really cool modifications to play with, in addition to the gunplay, and I liked the strategic aspects of it as well (especially if you are trying to be stealthy/nonlethal). Highly recommended! (A)

  • One of the STRANGEST games I have ever played. I would definitely recommend this one for people who enjoy puzzle games and strange plots, but this game gets VERY hard toward the end, so it is not for casual gamers. (B)

  • While I enjoyed the campaign for this one, I feel that COD is becoming a little too repetitive for its own good, especially with a new installment being released every fall. I have heard rumors that Black Ops II will remedy this repetition in some way, so I am hoping for the best. (A-)

  • I'm a bit torn about this game. The most obvious comparison is to Gears of War, especially since it was published by Epic and came with the GoW 3 beta access, but it's more like a cross between Gears and Duke Nukem. There are parts of the game that I thought were fantastic (the giant dinosaur robot was hilarious), but it also got on my nerves as well (I'm looking at you clunky cover system). Overall, a decent stop and pop that could've benefited from a little more polish. (B+)

  • I went into this game with relatively low expectations because it seems like they are getting into the habit of throwing one of these out every year now. However, while it wasn't a dramatic leap over Assassin's Creed II, I was pleasantly surprised with the variety of gameplay and the addition of some fun new gameplay mechanics, such as the parachute. The game itself is still beautiful but I found the story to be a bit lacking, although the Desmond side of the story was very intriguing. Overall, this game was very good and renewed my faith that Revelations might be equally good. (A)

  • Unfortunately, my hopes for this game were dashed. Apparently the developers are planning on sticking to a formula of sorts for this series and I just don't care for it very much. The time constraint on missions makes me feel pressured into not enjoying the game for the sake of not failing the mission or saving as many survivors as possible. I didn't even unlock any achievements for it, so I erased it from my game history. I'm sure this is a very fun game if you have the right mind set for it, but I just can't get over having to play entire sections over when I mess up and feeling pressured by the time. (C-)

  • I think the era of the music simulator is just about over. While this game is leaps and bounds over its predecessors in some areas (I especially like the "real" instruments option) it is essentially the same game wrapped in a shiny new package. I did like the fact that the songs from previous versions were downloaded automatically, but I doubt this game will get very much playtime after a few initial spins, unless I'm having a party or something. (B)

  • This game was hilarious! It's tongue-in-cheek sexuality and bravado will be legendary in some circles. It was a little glitchy in some areas (I had an entire level that didn't load properly, no enemies, doors, or anything) but it was a very funny and enjoyable experience. I look forward to seeing what they come up with next. (A-)

  • This game was surprisingly addictive. It's levels and enemies were somewhat bland and repetitive, but I couldn't help enjoying playing it repeatedly for some reason. I don't know if it was the nostalgia of some older shooter games or sliding around on your ass at high speeds. The end boss was also surprisingly hard; I kind of miss games that have that "kick your ass and make you break a controller" quality about them. (B+)

  • Just when I thought the pinnacle of open world games had been reached with Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar throws L.A. Noire at me. All I can say about this game!! The technical graphics are breathtaking, the facial constructions are bordering on creepy, and the story and voice acting are superb. Aside from some glitchy graphics in some places (buildings taking too long to load textures, etc.), I cannot say one single bad thing about this game. May Rockstar continue to push the envelope and to astound me with their peerless offerings. (A+)

  • This game was actually kind of fun, overlooking its graphical hiccups and derivative story and gameplay. I have read that Armageddon is actually a step down from Guerilla, so, having never played Guerilla, I am now looking forward to playing it. This game would have been much better with a little more polish and a better plot line, but it wasn't too bad. (C+)

  • After playing Fallout 3 and LOVING it, I had high expectations for this game. It was through these expectations that I was slightly apprehensive as well. Unfortunately, those fears for this game were not unfounded. While New Vegas is certainly a great game in many respects (huge world to explore, interesting story, funny characters), I found it lacking in many other areas (glitchy gameplay, horrendous load times, broken game saves). I was especially peeved with the fact that my game saves would not load half of the time, though I got them to load eventually, and with the extreme glitchiness of the game, especially when enemies would spawn that WOULD NOT DIE!!! Though I did manage to slog my way through these annoyances long enough to 1000/1000, I cannot truthfully say that I totally enjoyed the experience. This is a great game with lousy programming. (C+)

  • I did not know much about this game at all going in, so my expectations were not especially high. However, I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be quite an intriguing, beautiful, and engaging gameplay experience. Other than a few little glitches with the controls and some odd camera angles, this game is utterly flawless in its beauty and engrossing in its story and gameplay mechanics. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys action/adventure, platforming, puzzle-solving, and/or beating up on robots. (A)

  • To my surprise, I actually enjoyed this installment of Killzone more than the last one. Although the story was a little on the weak side and the campaign was a tad short, the game more than made up for it with awesome visuals, varied gameplay, and excellent sound effects and voice acting. I especially liked one of the boss battles in particular (MAWLR) and the battles in space. I would definitely recommend this to all FPS lovers! (A)

  • Dragon Age: Origins really surprised me when I first played it and it quickly became one of my favorite RPGs at the time. In light of this, I am deeply saddened to report that Dragon Age II does not do its predecessor justice. Repetitive maps, repetitive enemies, and lack of depth are just a few of the aspects that drag this game down. I'm not sure why they would think that a sewer, a secret hideout, and the Deep Roads can all share the exact same environments and maps without it being obvious to the player. While I did have fun with this game, to an extent, and certain elements of the story and characterization are very well-developed, I just cannot stand behind such a poor follow-up to an excellent game. (C)

  • This game was pleasantly surprising and I thoroughly enjoyed it! While it wasn't nearly as creepy and unnerving as the first installment, at least in my opinion, the development team did an excellent job with upgrading the gameplay mechanics and graphics in almost every way. The story was also surprisingly engaging and it kept me wanting to play so that I completed the game in only a couple of sittings. I also found the "homage" at the very end to be very amusing. I can't wait to see what they throw at Isaac next! (A+)

  • Unfortunately, this game is a prime example of why fantastic graphics does not equal a fantastic game. While this game's graphics are certainly nothing to scoff at, it's repetitive and derivative gameplay and storyline do nothing to help in the quality department. Throwing a few gimmicks in such as cloaking and armor only go so far to sweeten the pot, especially when you can sneak across large chunks of pretty much every level without being spotted. This game wasn't all bad though; I did enjoy some aspects of the story and it became much more interesting toward the end, but I can't stand it when I'm playing a game and I start wondering how much longer it will be until it's over. (B-)

  • I had high hopes for this game. I was hoping for more depth and some expansion upon some of the better features of the previous game. However, in my opinion, it went downhill. The moral choices seemed to be much more of a side note in this game and the insta-travel world map made things a little too easy. While certainly not the worst RPG I have ever played, it definitely left a lot to be desired. (C+)

  • I had a very negative bias towards this game before I even played it (I originally had no intention of playing it). This is due to its "Western-style" theme. I have been aversive toward Westerns ever since I was a child, mainly because my father forced me to watch them constantly and relentlessly, when I would have much rather been watching cartoons or something. However, after several friends highly recommended it to me, I decided to give it a chance. I am truly glad I decided to do was amazing! Rockstar, once again, did a fantastic, and meticulous, job at bringing the world of John Marston to life. Even menial tasks, such as collecting plants from all over the world, seemed enjoyable and meaningful. This is definitely one of the best, if not THE best, open world games I have ever played. (A+)

  • I have no idea why it took me so long to get around to playing this game. I remember playing the demo a loooong time ago, and I seem to remember being impressed with it. Alas, I believe its age caught up with it too soon and I just didn't enjoy playing it very much. It was a combination of no longer being interested and becoming frustrated with the time limit on missions. Oh well, hopefully the second one will be better. (C-)

  • I am currently playing this game, so I don't want to give final judgement just yet, but I am really enjoying it so far. I remember playing the original Castlevania games for the NES when I was a kid, so it is a bit nostalgic to come back and play this installment now. Hopefully, I will gain the same enjoyment from this one as I did way back then. UPDATE: I have now completed the game and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. I think it was a very inspired and enjoyable mixture of the old and the new. (A-)

  • I enjoy playing the LEGO games and I am an avid Harry Potter fan, but it seems like they would try to vary the mechanics somewhat. Although the mechanics are different on the surface, they all pretty much boil down to the same thing. I did enjoy this game more than LEGO Batman for some reason though. (B)

  • I had a lot more fun with this game than I initially expected. It started off a little slow, and I have never been very good with the Devil May Cry games, but it quickly picked up pace and became very interesting. The storyline was very strange and definitely of Japanese origin, but it was very quirky and funny and even a little sexy at times. This game definitely isn't for everyone, but it is a must play for Devil May Cry fans. (B+)

  • Once again, Treyarch did not fail to deliver. They are definitely pinning down the development of these games to a science and they are quickly catching up to, and in some instances surpassing, Infinity Ward. I am extremely glad that they finally moved beyond World War II and they did a very good job with the campaign on this one. Kudos! (A+)

  • I was delighted to discover that this is arguably the best Halo game out of the bunch. It is definitely the most well-rounded and offers the most bang for your buck. If only they had started the series with this game and built it up from there... (A)

  • This game was actually surprisingly good. There were obvious parallels and influences from other games, most prominently Bioshock, but the developers did a great job with the time mechanics and it never felt ripped off or cliched. I especially liked the "Fallout" style slow motion bullets. Overall, this was a very decent shooter and I would definitely recommend it. (B+)

  • This game was HIGHLY disappointing. I love the idea of the new environments and what they did with some of the boss battles, but this game seemed like more of a side note than anything else. I played through the entire campaign in one sitting and I expected so much more from this title. Maybe Western games truly are becoming the bar with which other games are measured... (D+)

  • I somewhat enjoyed this "sandbox" game, but it did not deliver on my expectations. It was much too repetitive in its predictable and boring "side missions." Even some of the story missions were a bit annoying and seemingly pointless. Although the environment had a better design to it than Prototype, I think I actually enjoyed that game more for some reason. Go figure. (C)

  • A fairly enjoyable FPS, although a little repetitive at times. The currency/bullet system can be frustrating if you do not pay close attention. The gas mask idea was a nice touch, but a complete pain in the ass if you are low on filters in the outside world. It is definitely worth one play through, but doesn't really have lasting replay value. (B-)

  • I did not get very far into this game. Although the battle system was a fresh approach, as far as RPGs are concerned, and very fun at times, I couldn't get into this game. I didn't like how the "over-world" was set up and the visual style and presentation really put me off. The story wasn't doing too much for me either. I'm not sure what I was expecting with this game, but I didn't get my wish. After playing through Nier, which was crappy too in hindsight, I couldn't see putting another 60-80 hours or so into an RPG that wasn't delivering on its end as well. Come on people! Meet me halfway here! (D)

  • Somehow, I ended up playing this game before I have played some of the earlier installments in the series. I think this is a very solid shooter/stealth action game and I had a lot of fun with it. My only gripe might be that the campaign was so short. I am currently looking for people to play the co-op mode with. Also, realistic mode seemed a bit too easy. Overall, a nice experience and worth playing at least once, although it seems to have good replay value. (B+)

  • A somewhat enjoyable, if not predictable, horror game. I think the biggest turn off I had with this game is the fact that I am an English teacher and a writer, and the writing for the "novel" of this game wasn't very good. And before anyone goes and starts pointing out all of my various "errors" on here, I'm not really proof-reading or editing myself, so cut me some slack. Overall, this game is fairly decent and recommendable, though not nearly worth the wait that we had to endure for it to be released. (B-)

  • A very strange mixture of interesting and ridiculous ideas. I'm not sure where to even start with this RPG: The nonsensical storyline mixed with the over-the-top swearing? The repetitive monsters that are somehow intriguing? The oddball companions that you encounter along the way? This game definitely has good points and bad points. I can't say I fully recommend it, but I can't really totally bash it either. It's a toss up... (C)

  • I just finished this game and it was much better than I expected. I didn't know much about it going in, other than its reputation for being a "Zelda-ripoff," but I was pleasantly surprised. I do see the similarities, but this is one of the few games that has pulled the comparison off with style and finesse. I can't wait for Darksiders 2 now! (A)

  • I really liked this game. It wasn't at all what I was expecting, but what I did get was fresh and intriguing. It kept my full attention the entire time and had me actually trying to figure out the mystery on my own. I was even interested enough to go back and play through the multiple endings, which I usually don't do. (A)

  • I didn't really get into this game very much. I think I started playing it at an inopportune time. I'm about to start student teaching and I didn't have the gumption to get into a long and drawn out RPG. I will give this game another go when I have a little more time on my hands. UPDATE: I once considered myself a "hardcore" gamer. However, I must now accept the fact that I am in a transition from "hardcore" to "casual," as much as I hate to say that. I tried to play this game, yet again, and I have discovered that I simply do not have the patience required for a game that is intentionally frustrating. I love the concept of the game and I am sure that it is a rewarding experience for the dedicated, but I am unfortunately not dedicated enough. UPDATE 2: Well, I tried this game yet again, and I proved that I am more "hardcore" than I thought! I guess I just wasn't giving myself enough time to acclimate myself to the control system and the way that the enemies behave. Once I got used to it, after innumerable deaths, I got into a pretty good flow with it and didn't die nearly as often. A couple of the bosses (MANEATER!!) had me pulling my hair, but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Bring on Dark Souls! (B+)

  • I kind of enjoyed this game, but it was way too derivative of God of War. Also, the developers either became bored or extremely lazy on the last few levels. Very disappointing. (C+)

  • I didn't enjoy the single player campaign nearly as much this time around. One word: EASY. Any game that allows me to collect every achievement (single player only) in one sitting is too easy. Case closed. (B-)

  • I really didn't know what to expect with this game going in, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. Sure, the story was totally cliched at every turn, but it was still an enjoyable RPG outing. After having completed Final Fantasy XIII, I was glad to be able to do some non-linear exploration for a change. I still have yet to complete the post-story stuff in FF though, so I'm hoping it will be more fun and challenging. (B+)

  • Well, I couldn't believe it after all the hype, but this actually turned out to be my favorite Mario game thus far. They took so many of the already great mechanics from the first Galaxy and expanded and improved upon them in some ingenious ways. I absolutely loved this game and I am glad that Nintendo still knows how to produce quality first party games! (A+)

  • I REALLY loved this game! I thought it was a massive improvement over the first. I never got the impression that any of the side missions were meaningless or aggravating. The visual presentation was top-notch and the cover system and game mechanics were smooth and well-implemented. If Mass Effect 3 improves nearly as much, I will be extremely happy to be a part of where gaming is headed. (A+)

  • This game delivered everything I'd hoped it would. Although it didn't break any molds, it can't be denied that this is one of the most beautiful console games so far. The puzzles were entertaining, the fighting was brutal, and the story delivered a satisfying, if not open-ended, conclusion to the "trilogy." I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I'm looking forward to whatever comes next. (A+)

  • Overall, I wasn't very impressed with this game. It didn't seem like much more than an expansion upon the first. Some of the cooperative aspects were pretty interesting and entertaining, but I became bored with it pretty quickly. I can certainly understand why this is a great game to some people but I guess it just isn't my cup of tea. (C)

  • Ah, the nostalgia! Well, recent nostalgia anyway. The only complaint I have about this awesome collection is the AWFUL looking cut scenes. Don't get me wrong, these games were at the top of the pile in their day, and I'm not referring to the pre-rendered cut scenes, but some of the other scenes looked absolutely horrific on my HD television. I mean, it was to the point that I couldn't make out the details of Kratos's face very clearly. The pre-rendered scenes and the actual game still look gorgeous though. I can't wait to play GoW III! (A)

  • Yet another game that doesn't stray far from its predecessor, but oh, it is SUCH an improvement over the first. I love the new mechanics, the new assassination techniques, everything. The story was well thought out and the visuals were beautiful. Definitely a worthwhile time waster! (A+)

  • I'm really not a big RTS fan, but this game was a lot better than I expected. It didn't have a difficult learning curve and the music was great! Jack Black did a good job too. All hail Tim Schafer! (B+)

  • My God! Someone FINALLY did something meaningful with a creative license. The sky will fall in 20 seconds... Seriously, this game was fantastic and I am so happy that they made a decent Batman game! Awesome. (A+)

  • Oh, such high hopes I had for this game. The demo was absolutely fantastic. But alas, my hopes were dashed. Shame on you Level 5. For shame. (D+)

  • I really enjoyed this game. My only complaint would be that it is far too similar to the original. I know there is only so much that can be done, but I was hoping for a little more variety. I also didn't like the fact that you couldn't go back after certain points. I know you couldn't go back at certain points in the first game, but it seemed like it was a little more open. This game was fun though and the multiplayer is a surprisingly nice addition. (A-)

  • I haven't completed this game yet, so I don't want to give a final verdict on it, despite my fanboyish background image. However, I must say, sadly, that I am disappointed thus far. The game is FAR too linear for my tastes. After having played games such as Fallout 3, I don't think I can go back. At least I have my fond memories... (TBD)

  • I tried to go into this game with limited expectations. As a fan of the original, I didn't want to get my hopes up too high. However, it turned out to be a very decent gameplay experience. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but I had a lot of fun with it. Kudos! (B+)

  • I LOVE this game! I'm not exactly sure what it is about this game that is so addicting, but I haven't been able to put it down so far. Some of the characters are hilarious and I love the art style. I also really liked all of the Mad Max movies and this game kind of gives me that type of nostalgia. I also really enjoy the RPG-style leveling system and the various abilities. This game most definitely has a tremendous amount of replay value. (A+)

  • I'm not sure why, but I had it in my head that this was a completely new Portal game. So, as you can imagine, I was utterly disappointed to discover that it was the exact same game as in the Orange Box. Sure, they added some extra challenge levels and what not, but still... It was fun to play through it again though and it is still an awesome game. I also really enjoyed the new achievements since they added a new dimension to playing the game if you wanted to earn them. (A)

  • I liked the way the campaign was set up on this one. It felt very fresh and had a much grittier vibe to it than past installments. However, I was definitely not blown away. This series is definitely starting to show its age and I'm not sure what they can possibly do to sweeten the pot. I guess time will tell... (B+)

  • Okay, I'm finally coming to the point where I'm pretty burned out on these games. I played this game for like 5 or 10 minutes and I just had no interest in it whatsoever. I don't know whether it is because the songs are recycled or if I am just tired of playing music games. Oh well, there's always the stereo, which involves a lot less work and a lot more listening and enjoyment. (C-)

  • Oh, where to begin with this game? I was a little apprehensive going into this game because I knew that it had been receiving rave reviews, but I am not used to playing D&D style RPGs. To say that I was not disappointed and even pleasantly surprised would be a gross understatement. This game DEFINITELY takes my top spot as favorite current RPG. I had been giving much love to Fallout 3, but, alas, the spark is gone. I am so very glad that I decided to give this game a try. I have already completed it once and I am currently about a third of the way through my second playthrough. Any RPG that can suck me into multiple, back-to-back playthroughs receives an "A" in my book! (A+)

  • Now that I have played this game, finally, I must say that I am slightly disappointed with it. I probably would have thought much more of it if I had played it when it first came out, but I have played so many excellent titles since then that I think it has been somewhat overshadowed. The idea of being in a Grand Theft Auto-ish world with super powers is awesome in theory, but many of the missions are very repetitive and become somewhat tedious. I also don't think that the quality of the "world" itself matches what they put into the main character and some of the bad guys. The buildings and environments are very bland and blase and it just isn't pleasing to the eye over long periods of time. This game definitely had a lot of potential but it just doesn't quite deliver the goods I was looking for. (B-)

  • Ah, the nostalgia of a 2D Mario game. This game is pretty much everything you could hope for in that regard. However, I couldn't help but notice that it seems like a significantly upgraded version of Super Mario Bros. 3. Not an exact copy by any means, but it just gave me that impression for some reason. The multiplayer seemed like it would be fun and was a clever idea, but I think it is simply annoying. When playing with another person, more often than not, we simply got in each other's way. If you are playing competitively, however, this proves to be very useful, frustrating, and sometimes brutal, depending on the temperament of the players. All in all, I enjoyed this game very much and I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoyed Mario's early adventures or that simply wants a new challenge. (A-)

  • I think I made a big mistake attempting to play this game AFTER playing Uncharted 2. It would be a vast understatement to say that Uncharted 2 puts this game to utter shame. Still, the game is not bad for what it is and seemed to be a solid installment in the Tomb Raider series. Watching Lara in her sexy outfits is a bonus as well. (B)

  • I'm sure many people have said this before me, but WOW! This game absolutely blew me away! The visuals, the sound, the voice acting, the levels... I could rant on and on. This game exceeds its predecessor on so many levels, it is incomprehensible! And they added a decent multiplayer experience to boot! If you have a PS3 and you HAVEN'T played this game yet...go out RIGHT NOW and get it from somewhere and play it. You WILL NOT be disappointed! (A+)

  • This game, surprisingly, exceeded my expectations. The campaign was a little on the short side, but it was overflowing with gaming goodness. And I absolutely LOVE Spec Ops! I think I enjoy playing through those missions with other people a little more than the actual campaign. And even though I am not much of a multiplayer person, from what I have witnessed, it is nothing short of outstanding! Bravo IW! (A+)

  • I actually enjoyed this game a lot more than I was expecting. I went into it with my expectations low, since the last few games haven't been so great. But this installment actually held my attention enough for me to 1000/1000 it. The story was pretty well written and it had some decent creep factor moments. I especially liked the "Descent into Hell" level, something about the background noise and the emptiness of it was really unsettling. (B+)

  • I had high expectations for this game. However, the sad truth is that almost any time you set such expectations, you are likely to be disappointed. To my chagrin, this game is no exception. The swinging mechanic and some of the environments were pretty enjoyable, but overall the game was just too bland and repetitive. I didn't really like the voice work either, which I was looking forward to since Mike Patton did Spencer's voice. Well, you win a few and lose the majority. (C)

  • I really wanted to like this game. I really wanted to give my Wii another purpose besides dust magnet and/or paper weight. But this watered-down excuse for a Tales game utterly failed to capture my attention. Very disappointed. I guess my Wii will be once again relegated to the idle entertainment of my 5 year old. (D)

  • Some of the mini-games in this game will literally have you pulling your hair out. I also wasn't really big on the whole "vehicle" aspect of the game. It would have been pretty cool if it weren't forced down your throat as a major play component. Not a bad game though. (C+)

  • I got about halfway through this game and it just started getting on my nerves for some reason. I guess it is because I was trying for an A rank on all the missions and I got really pissed off when I had to start a huge battle over again for a minor mistake in strategy. It is a really solid game and a very fresh approach, but I just had to put it down. (B)

  • I was a little disappointed with this game. It didn't have nearly as much depth as I was expecting. I basically finished it and got 75% of the achievements over two or three days, excluding the DLC. Oh well... (B)

  • I liked this game a lot more than I thought I would. The battle system is very unique and I really enjoyed it. Now if only I felt like grinding to get that Monster Dismanteler achievement... (B+)

  • I liked this RPG a lot overall. Some of the dialogue was a bit cheesy, but I wouldn't expect anything less from a JRPG. Some of the achievements associated with this game are a bit frustrating. I have put in over 130 hours and I still have only about half of them. I guess they finally took the word "achievement" seriously. (A-)

  • I'm not really into racing games, but I have come to like this game very much and I am looking forward to Forza 3. (B+)

  • For some reason, I liked this installment much better than the previous game. I don't know why, but it seemed much more interesting and engaging for some reason. I'm already looking forward to the next one... (B+)

  • I really liked this game, but some of the "guest" acts were a little strange. Overall, the choice of Metallica songs was excellent. (B)

  • This game was very cool, but I couldn't really get into it. I guess it just wasn't my cup of sack boy. (B+)

  • Very entertaining LEGO interpretation of the classic film franchise. (B)

  • I'm not sure why, but Robin really annoyed me in this game. I probably would have liked it a lot more if it were just Batman. (B-)

  • This game was very disappointing to me. I don't like "sandbox" games that FEEL like you're in a sandbox. (C-)

  • A very solid GH entry with some very nice features. The MIDI port on the drum kit sold me the set. However, the note placement in some of the songs leaves a lot to be desired. (B)

  • Treyarch followed my advice and kept the game in the mold of Call of Duty 4. It still can't stand against the might of COD 4, but it is definitely the most solid Treyarch entry in the series so far. (B+)

  • I love the Resident Evil series, but I just could not get into this game for some reason. I've never been big on "rail" shooters. (C)