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I wrote this little thing (it's not actually a little thing):

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A Year of the Bomb: Random Thoughts

Crazy how time flies.  I remember the weeks after the site first launched, and the utter insanity that ensued with the flood of wiki submissions and chaos in the forums.  Then the dust settled and things have been pretty much looking up since then.  On the editorial side, the staff has conjured up a lot of great features ranging from movie reviews (Ryan, I fear for your sanity when you make it to Alone in the Dark) to spending April Fools Day making fun of Top 10 lists.  It's also still hard to believe that nearly a third of the past year has seen an episode of the Persona 4 Endurance Run.  I'm going to miss that when it's over.

And hey, thanks to the community, there's now a copy of Princess Debut resting atop a luchadore mask-clad deer head.  Not many websites are able to make that claim.

On the topic of wiki submissions, I've enjoyed adding what I can to the database.  My top ten edited pages in terms of points is pretty diverse, ranging from an unpopular fighter to a stupifyingly delayed and possibly canceled game (take a guess), to an RPG villain that often gets overshadowed by Chrono Trigger's real big bad.  Fun stuff.

And how the heck am I still ranked so high in Giant Bomb trivia?  I haven't played that game much at all in months.