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The games I enjoyed in 2013.

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  • This was a 2013 release in Australia. It's great, in spite of still being basically Final Fantasy V. If Square have to push out their brand of JRPG on a regular basis, I feel like pushing weird mutations of the formula at least gives the series a chance to grow.

  • Over 1000 hours logged so far. I still suck very very badly. Makes me want to tear my hair out in frustration. When you work together to beat the enemy, though, it's fantastic.

  • I held out for ages to get a WiiU, finally buying one after the PS4 and Xbone were released. 3D World is amazing, and ... I know this is the dumbest, but it definitely feels like the most "next gen" game. I'm not even going to look at the other consoles until close to mid-2014, considering their launch line-up. However, the game gets its place in this list because it's great, not because of my dumb console foibles. The Miiverse integration is a hell of a thing, really reinforcing the sense of community and camaraderie.

  • A small story, told simply. I've read some folks who complain that the story would be better as a film, but I very much disagree. I like my storytelling games just as much as the mechanical masterpieces.

  • This also was a 2013 release for us. I've played a crapton of it and will play more, since the game is really clear about its expectations. Last I remember, I'd spun up a secondary party so I could see what the Sniper was all about.

  • Very tricky puzzles and a clear, consistent setting that was well-realised. Really enjoyed being creeped out while I bashed my head against a wall.

  • This game is so fun. This game is super super compelling as couch co-op. It's all mechanics and discovery and weird random events. So good.