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Hawkerace's top games of TWENTY THIRTEEN!

Before I typed this, not moments ago was I rolling around in bed unable to sleep not only to an unhealthy lifestyle and a terrible sleep schedule, but the need to tell everyone my opinion about VIDEO GAMES. Yeah, I love video games and if you don't - I demand you leave immediately. I will go into a blindly dota rage if you say otherwise.

Okay, so video games. I figured I would fashion my game and their lists loosely to the Giant Bomb's staff collective already, however since only been two days I will somewhat need to guess what the rest will be. Nostradamus or not, all of this reading pleasure is direct for you to criticize.

Is that a G or a face gargling down cheeseburgers and passing out on his own merit afterwards? YOUR DECISION
Is that a G or a face gargling down cheeseburgers and passing out on his own merit afterwards? YOUR DECISION

2013’s Old Game of the Year


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This section seems a bit void of any excitement due to the fact I don't have a windjammers set and I don't have a bunch of rude lewd dudes to crunch a hundred games infront of a gorillian fans. But when I found myself staring at a copy of Syndicate in the bargain bin at the store I immediately was flooded with Jeff's whispering wisdom that Syndicate was a really good game. And I thought he was right!

Runner-Ups: Dragon's Dogma:DA & Mafia II

URL of the Year

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Best Surprise


Is Brother's a better game? I can't tell you that
Is Brother's a better game? I can't tell you that

For a game I thought to myself that was going to be another tryhard indie game that would wow me in the feelings department and throw me art and themes in my face, I found myself knee deep in character for the few hours the play through took me.

I guess that's what I get for being an asshole!

Runner-ups: Rise of the Triad, Mars: War Logs

Best Looking Game

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Runner-ups: Bioshock Infinite, Metro: Last Light

Best Music

Rise of the Triad

In a remake of a game that does so much right, the music is just great for the show. I don't mean the current music they brought with it either, see that classic option in the audio? Press that. Yeah, that's the good stuff. Gimme. I don't believe it's the exact same audio they used from the previous iteration all those years ago, but who is actually keeping tabs?

Runner-ups: Gunpoint, Bioshock Infinite

Best Story

Metro: Last Light

He's running to buy more copies of Metro for his friends. Are you?
He's running to buy more copies of Metro for his friends. Are you?

There's too few games I've played this year that weren't dota or counter strike, and I am ashamed of this revelation. More-so because I've missed out on so many games and addition that time seems to be dedicated to the plagues of multiplayer games then the fleshed out stories this category requires. Metro: Last Light was one of those games I would call a pretty fucking good video game with a good story to boot. Just the world building upon the previous game, which I really enjoyed with some of the DLC put me in a grueling world of misery and vodka. I loved every minute of it. Except those spiders and dark corridors, I don't do that shit too well. Also this game is turbo Russian, and that's what rows my boat if you know what I mean.

Runner ups are GTA V, and Last of Us - Last of Us being a game I have yet to get really deep in, but I imagine it's probably right up my alley, I lack motivation to play through it though.

Most Disappointing Game

Company of Heroes 2

Man FUUUUUUUUUCK this game. I thought I was I was going to be on the Eastern Front, but instead I'm back in 2009 playing Dawn of War II. The moment you make items and powers in a RTS I immediately roll my eyes to the back of my head. Such a bummer. Play Men of War Assault Squad instead, that's a good World War game.

Runner-ups: Sim Shitty, EvE

Best New Character

I miss my bones!
I miss my bones!

Runner-ups: Michael (GTA V), Roy (Mars War Logs)


Now I have to fake being creative, and give you the JAMS man, cause I have no more templates to follow!


Best 'Level'Design

Remember Me

Say whatever you will about this game, I found myself staring at the set pieces I was to progress through more-so than actually enjoying whatever you'd call a game. If they made this a cyberpunk picture book, I honestly can't imagine it loosing any stars ... in our hearts. -sigh- Why can't we have more cyberpunk games you guys? Why?

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Runner-ups: Rise of the Triad, Stick it to the Man!

Best Online Community

Dota 2


Runner-ups: CS:GO, Wargame: Airland Battle

Best Budget Games of 2013

  • Far Cry Blood Dragon
  • State of Decay (steam relase 2013)
  • La-Mulana (steam release 2013)
  • Hammerwatch
  • Stick it to the Man!

2013 Games that are going to be made into movies by Uwe Boll

  • Brothers: Tale of Brad's favourite game this year
  • Battlefield 4
  • Zeno Clash II
  • Don't Starve
  • Rise of the Triad

Early Access Games you should check out

Top Ten of categories that need be official

  1. Best game Patrick played that isn't indie
  2. Best game that got most people mad
  3. GAMES BETTER THAN BROTHERS (It was okay, but really though not the 7$ good I paid for it I feel)
  4. Best in-game food item
  5. Best bugs/glitches/shit that isn't supposed to happen but does
  6. Best nobody on the giantbomb staff played except maybe Drew if we're lucky
  7. Best Early Access/Beta in terms of quality/fun/content
  8. Best Giantbomb stream moment
  9. Best Rorie giggle/snort
  10. Which Early Access Zombie Survival Horror game turns out to be the one everyone likes and plays
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