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Best of 2010

HebrewSanta: Best of 2010

List items

  • Characters, voice work, gorgeous graphics, believable writing, and a twist that still has me thinking. This is what gaming should be. For capturing me, challenging me, and being more than I would have ever expected, this game gets my number one.

  • I hate JRPG's. So there. For this even to be on the list is a testament to how special it is. I also never play games over again. Unless they are less than 5 hours long (this game is not 5 hours long). Play this game.

  • Mesmerizing. Simple. And a great game to introduce to people who don't "understand" games.

  • Great writing that is also entangled into great gameplay should be rewarded. Alan Wake is game that does more right than most games before it. For a video game story it's incredible. Characters are well developed. Etc, etc. It is amazing. Pushing the limits of what video games can be.

  • After I beat the game I realized, this game just scratched an itch I didn't know I had. It kept me immersed and on edge by always having new controls and different consequences. This is a game that realized story-telling potential.

  • Reminding me that video games don't need to be bound by our preconceptions of what they should be. This game is a gem.

  • I don't usually play games for their multiplayer. But this game challenged me to learn a new skillset. I have put a lot of time in the game, and out of the game, just to be a better gamer. Soon to be diamond.

  • Easily the most expensive game I bought. For still being Halo in a Modern Warfare future. Emotional, well told narrative. I also want to note that I haven't been this excited about getting a game in a very long while. Good times.

  • It did things I didn't like. And I had a tough time getting into it. But by the end I was savoring every moment.

  • This is a placeholder, until I remember every game I played. I enjoyed this game. But not as much as every one else it seems. Things done right, things done poorly. It is still great, no matter what I say, but the year was very good, if this game can barely make it.