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Games I played in 2010

This is a list of all the games I played in 2010 (or at least played a lot of). Some are new, some old, but here's my year in games! It was a great year!

-work in progress...

List items

  • Downloaded this game over the 2009 holiday season and played though it during the week of New Years 2010. Lots of fun to play in co-op, a good pick-up-and-play game. This game reminded me of a bunch of old games from the Atari era for some reason, nostalgia from a completely new game! For $10, the length felt about right. They left it hanging for a sequel, and I'll play that sequel when it comes out!

  • Was pissed at SEGA for dropping the ball on the PS3 port, so I didn't buy this back in January when I wanted to. Played the demo a lot, then played the first 3-4 chapters borrowing a friends copy. Did not end up picking it up until late summer when I found it for $29.99 new. Kinda sorry I waited, it was so much fun! Really enjoyed the combat, very challenging at time. The whole experience was crazy and I often found myself grinning ear-to-ear when playing.

  • I started playing this early in the year. A close friend I talked into trying it was making good progess and it was on my pile o' shame for a while so I jumped in. What an amazing game, not really that hard once you learn the various systems, but so much going on in that game! Was a lot of fun to have someone to talk to about daily experiences in that game world. Played on and off for 4-5 months, completed it with a character I had lvl'd so far it made end game quite easy.

  • I haven't played a FF game since FFX, many years ago, so I was antcipating this game for awhile. While I can understand some of the negative reaction from fans, I didn't have a problem with many of the design decisions and really enjoyed the game. The combat system was second to none, and I've always liked FF series for the combat. The towns and talking to a myriad of NPCs was the stuff I could do without, so the non-stop encounters suited me quite well. In fact, when I got to Gran Pulse (chapter 11) I ran right to the next marker which took me to chapter 12 and then onto the end of the game, so I didn't spend hours and hours grinding through Gran Pulse which is where many people thought the game got good (because it was "open"?). Loved all the character design and boss fights, hated Vanille's character, loved the last boss battle. After completing the story, then I went back to Gran Pulse and continued to level my characters for many more hours of enjoyable battles. I think FFXIII got a bad rap only because it was not what people expected of FF, not because it was bad, it did many things very well.

  • This was a day one purchase for me. It was between Fallout New Vegas and this and I choose Vanquish because I was slammed at work during this release window and I knew it would be shorter than New Vegas. After Bayonetta earlier in the year and the fact I love 3rd-person shooters, i was really excited about this game.

    While it has some issues, like the 80s action movie default script, and terrible techno BGM (first game I've even had to completely shut off the BGM for!), the gameplay is top notch and that's why I was there. It can be the fastest shooter or the slowest shooter depending on how you approach each battle. Slide up in their face for some well placed shotgun rounds or pick off headshots using AR mode's slow time effect. I loved the ability to try different play styles in each battle. The weapons also felt great with lots of variation. It was a bit short, but I fully enjoyed my second playthrough as my skills progressed and I just wanted to keep on going.

    People complain about no MP, I didn't miss it to much but it did get me thinking how they could ever do a MP game with a slow down time effect. How would they pull that off? Would one player slow down or both? Same problem with MP Bayonetta...

  • Didn't take long after Vanquish to cane in and pick it up. Oh how I've missed playing Fallout! Fallout3 was epic for me, I think I put in 160+ hours if you count all the DLC. It didn't take long to settle in and get back into that groove, but it seemed like I cruised through the story very quickly. I used fast travel a lot more effectively and played quests through to completion for the most part. I already knew the fallout "systems" and maybe that had something to do with it, but i definitely leveled way faster than in Fallout3. I was able to keep all quests lines alive until level 28 where I decided to make a master save file before pissing off one faction or another to take one of the 4 end-story lines.

    I really enjoyed the story of New Vegas, it is has a coherence and pace that Fallout 3 lacked. The different ending are a real nice touch, even if you are only just playing different roles in the same general story. I didn't find the setting as enticing as Fallout3's for some reason, and it didn't feel as hard, even when my first ending was on hardcore. I was lucky enough to not hit too many bad bugs, it seemed alright comparing it to Fallout3 DLC on PS3 which I fought through some real game-breaking, rage-quiting, bugs. I heard others had a lot of problems, especially friends on Xbox. In the end, I loved this game, but I'm not sure I'll remember it as fondly as Fallout3 in 5 years, time will tell...

  • I bought this after it dropped to $40, then it sat for a month. I don't know why, I just couldn't find the right time to "want" to play it. I only played the single player campaign as my connection is too slow for MP. To summarize, I like it a lot better than Modern Warfare 2! I like the environments, the story, the characters, the vehicle segments all better in BFBC2. I only think MW2 has on it is that its guns feel a bit better. Great game, a must play for any FPS fan...

  • Hands down the BEST downloadable title of 2010, enough said!

  • After playing FF13 I wanted to get back to some japan-ass JRPG action so I decided to try this one out. I loved the combat system which is a hybrid of turn-based and real-time action. It was hard to figure out at first but I didn't find it as frustratingly hard as many reviews had said it was. In the end I came really close to finishing it (chapter 15 out of 16), but at that point came a huge grind section that JRPG are known for. I decided to move on but I will definietly come back to this one and finish it one day. I also really enjoyed the quirky japanese style in this game, reminded me of the pinnicle of JPRG in the past. I think if more JRPG looked to this game for inspiration, it would be a good thing for fans of the genre.

  • I've never been into the Lara Croft series, mostly because I've just never tried one of the games until they were old news and I just moved on. So the small size and approachable nature of this reboot intrigued me enough to give it a go. Great game, I really liked the controls and the isometric viewpoint. I completed the single player in a couple of sittings, I couldn't put it down! I haven't tried co-op yet since it wasn't available at launch. Objectives and achivements were really well thought out I thought, the extra tasks to attempt for each level were attainable and really made me go back and replay some levels.