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A Snowy Halloween

It's been awhile since I made a blog over here at Giant Bomb so now is a good time to.  As you may know, Halloween is tomorrow.  It's a night to run around getting candy from strangers but, last night something happened.  Last night we had a huge snow storm and got a crap ton of snow.  I'm not sure how much but, more then I usually get here (maybe I can find out how much later) in my humble town in Nebraska.  Here are a couple pictures I took of the snow around my house.

Apparently we got so much snow, about half the town is closed down.  Thank god I don't have to go anywhere today so I'm going to sit on my ass and hopefully all the snow melts by tomorrow night.  It's supposed to be around 50 tomorrow so, that should help.
Well, I hope you guys have a dry Halloween tomorrow.
EDIT:  I got roughly 12 to 14 inches of snow on the ground right now.