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The ten games that define me

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  • I could just put any Zelda game on here but this had a far greater mystery behind it.

  • I understood so much from Metroid Prime because it was so alive. Everything in it was so interactive and the immersive atmosphere, free roaming feel of adventure and the strong sense of wonder completely absorbed me. It spoke to me to make me wonder more.

  • When I thought of Mario games as a kid I always thought of Super Mario World first. It encompassed everything I loved about Mario and to me was the peak of gaming as a child. It was the Toy Story 2 of gaming to me, even though it was the fourth Super Mario game.

  • The idea that the game messes with your mind speaks to me because I allow my mind to be completely messed up so many times. For someone as insane as I am it makes me wonder so much more about anything.