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Best of 2010

kmv_007: Best of 2010

While I believe Red Dead Redemption was a better game than Just Cause 2, I put JC2 ahead of it for a few reasons:
1) I know RDR will be at the top of a lot of people's lists, so I'm showing some extra love to JC2
2) JC2 was on all platforms, while RDR skipped the PC (for some reason)
3) Blowing shit up is just so much damn fun, and the parachute & grappling hook were such unique additions

Unfair of me? Perhaps. But it's my damn list!

List items

  • It came out first, and stayed at the top of my list the entire year. The best game I played this year, bar none.

  • GTA freeroaming? Check.

    Lots of vehicles and guns? Check.

    Big explosions and wanton distruction? Check.

    Unique hook? How about a grappling hook? (No pun intended)

    Story? In this game, who gives a shit?

    This game provided the most mindless fun I've had all year.

  • I only rented this game, but was a fun single-player experience. Open world, great story, great mechanics... I plan on adding this to my collection at some point in the future.

  • The best Halo game by far. Why? Well, for starters it doesn't have the Flood. While they may be an interesting enemy from a story standpoint, I HATE fighting them. On top of that, Bungie made some great gameplay tweaks, especially the armor powers. Add in firefight mode, daily/weekly challenges, combined metagame scoring... wonderful job, Bungie.

  • The most unique shooter I've played in a long time. Air filters to limit your time outside, limited ammo, but the pneumatic weapons were the most interesting to me. I loved using the pneumatic rifle with the scope - headshot = one-hit kill, but hit anywhere else and it's a waste. What a great, challenging game! Great job, you crazy Russians!