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Lashe: Favorites

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  • Probably my favourite game of all time. Still makes me feel like a kid again every time I play it.

  • Another great RPG that I loved growing up.. But then again, didn't everyone? Cloud - Cid - Vincent, still my fave combination to this day and it was the first team I completed it with.

  • Still my favourite SRPG -- perfectly balanced, great characters, story-driven and a nice customisation system.

  • I think this game was in my PS2 even longer than Final Fantasy X ever was. Perfect shooter from the creators of Perfect Dark. Shame the third didn't quite live up to the second (in my opinion) but high hopes for the inevitable fourth installment!

  • A complete shock to my system when I played this. Received it alongside a GBA SP and played it for hours on end at a time thanks to the wonderful backlight on the SP. Great old-school RPG but with enough fresh mechanics to make it feel innovative enough, such as the Djinn system.

  • The first game in which I was introduced to 'Next Gen', and a completely groundbreaking title in my opinion. It took the innovative 3rd person mechanics created from Resident Evil 4 and refined it to near perfection. Not without its flaws, but Gears goes down as one of my all time favourites as it delivered on that all-important aspect of gaming -- fun.

  • The game that introduced me to gaming. I personally don't remember the installment which I played first, but I know I was about 4 years old and enjoyed simply blowing things up. To this day, I still play Bomberman Live and enjoy every moment.

  • I fell victim to the awesomeness of Halo pretty late, in about 2006 when I received my 360. Despite the lack of graphical polish my HDTV had come to expect, I was captivated by the story, the balanced weapons, the musical score and the great design of this game. I would put 2 and 3 on this list but there's no time like the first time, eh?

  • Yeah.. completely weird choice, however this still stands as my all-time favourite MMORPG. Perhaps its my choice in server, but I've never had a more fun online role-playing experience.

  • Along with Golden Sun and Advance Wars, I never needed another game for the Gameboy Advance. I threw over 500 hours into a Tactics game and it still is considered by me as the best waste of 500 hours of a childhood ever.

  • I believe that the sequels failed to capture the charm of the first game, which was a completely engrossing title. Great artwork, slick gameplay, awesome characters and so many unlockables kept me going for months on end.

  • Sakaguchi's still got it. Enough said =].