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First mind the spelling errors that might be present, my native language is not English. I'll try to sort them out :)

Bäbis Steg
So here I'am laid back in the chair and thinking, trying to make up something at my first attempt at blog writing.

I just  recently completed Mega Man 9 and it was quite the ride. Like many others it brought me back to my childhood roots of staying up late and playing Mega Man 1-3, gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. That takes me back (doing that flashback look)....
My childhood and my life for that matter has been close to games basically from the moment I could walk, I got my first NES at the age of 1.5 after my older cousin showed his with Super Mario. I wanted one for revenge, I did not get past the first goomba and he just strolled around the levels like they where nothing.  Yet after a while I started to get the hang of it by the age of 2 and I was sucked down the gaming drain and saved my allowance to buy new games. Sure it took a while with 20kr a week, but I still saved for months for a new game, about 450-500kr back then. Can't really remember what games I bought in what order, but I can remember when I came home with Zelda 2 and was disappointed that it was nothing like Zelda 1 that my friend had.

Also one more disappointment from my childhood was I never got the game I always wanted. Since I did not knew it's name by then and I only saw someone play it in a store (I could not read at that age, but I remembered the covers and my parents would help me). The game was Little Samson I found out at many many years later and it still gripes me. But the worst thing of all is that my whole NES collection I had as a child is ruined, my mom did not like the games to take a lot of space in the shelves so she threw away the covers.

Ow I was born in 1987 might as well mention that! Well that's all for now! Hörs :)