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GOTY 2012

Not all exclusively released in 2012.

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  • Born from brilliant minds seditious against modern game design, it’s not for those who are faint of heart, easily discouraged, lacking in skill, or looking for a pleasant escape. It is, however, perfectly suited for those looking for one of the most challenging and consequently rewarding experiences ever. You earn your progress in this world, while constantly being reminded of all the poor souls chopped down before you, many never returning. It’s an absolute masterpiece.

  • In a world that’s unusually richly textured for a videogame, it’s superbly enjoyable to make weighty and often difficult and vexing decisions as you determine how Geralt’s story will play out.

  • A stealth game that is thankfully highly focused and does a fantastic job with its core mechanics of stealth while not trying to dilute the game with other mediocre mechanics. The stellar design of the environmental feedback and visual cues place it on a pedestal within the genre.

  • While it’s not quite enough of a game for my gaming tastes, it does have some of the best digital acting in one of the best interactive stories that you will find anywhere.

  • The ultra violent video game equivalent of the film Drive is just as fun as you would hope.

  • XCOM’s two halves provide a pretty good management game as well as a pretty good strategy game although each piece might not be altogether amazing on its own. It’s the way the two halves combine that makes something quite special.

  • An excellent space (kinda) roguelike allowing for harrowing galactic voyages, although the genre’s inherent randomness can only overcome the repetition for so long.

  • It’s Borderlands again. It’s quite good but then I factor in all the Borderlands fatigue I experienced while playing it.

  • Fez is certainly very charming but with the terrible mapping and navigation and puzzles ranging from great to particularly annoying, for me, it was held back from true greatness.

  • A classy throwback to incredibly frantic multiplayer shooters which spices it up with just enough modern shooter tropes to add some reasonable longevity.