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My Weapons of Choice

The platforms that I still own that grant access to mountains of awesomeness

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  • Along with the 360, this is takes up the my gaming time. Big & powerful, with an ever improving roster of exclusives that fit my tastes slightly better than those on 360. Got the 60gb console which came with MotorStorm, Resistence : Fall of Man and Heavenly Sword.

  • Hardcore paradise until Microsoft's insideous plan to slowly cut its balls off kicked in. Irrespective, the 360 has resulted in more sleepless nights than I care to mention. Came with Fifa 2006 and Ghost Recon : Advanced Warfighter.

  • Proved a life saver on many a night away from home. Got this free through a work conference (woohoo!). Came with Ridge Racer and Locoroco.

  • After years of PC gaming - and gradual disillusionment with the annual upgrade cycle - I went back to consoledom. I got this over the PS2 primarily because all my mates had one. In hindsight it might have been the wrong option but it did have some shining lights like Halo & Riddick.

    I had the standalone console, though received Fifa 2003 & Bloodrayne in a store offer.

  • My first console. Although I had the sleeker and far sexier PAL version. It came with StreetFighter 2 Turbo.

  • The Atari ST was the machine that really got me started with gaming properly, despite the fact that my folks assumed this was a learning tool. Bless 'em. It came for four games : Space Harrier, Bomb Jack, Outrun & Carrier Command.