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Andrew's Top 30 greatest games ever made of all time - The Top 10

Andrew's Top 10 Favorite List of the Greatest Games Ever Made in the History of Ever

Game of the Year Edition

10. Gods and Generals
I've never played this game, but my friend who works for the developer says it's really good so I put it on the list.

Billy and his friends compete in a game of Quidditch.
Billy and his friends compete in a game of Quidditch.
9. Billy the Wizard: Rocket Broomstick Racing
This game used to be called Barry Hatter. This game is full of creativity.

8. NRA Gun Club
Shooting cans is much more fun than shooting people.

7. World War II Combat: Iwo Jima
Unless you're shooting people in World War II, which I understand is the time period in which this excellent game takes place.

6. Hooters Road Trip
Combining the best aspect of Hooters and road trips, this is one hard cross-country drivin' game.

5. George of the Jungle and the Search for the Secret
Will George ever find the secret? I won't tell you. This is a taut thriller that you'll have to experience for yourself.

4. Drake of the 99 Dragons
Drake of the 99 Dragons proves you don't need good graphics, controls, or a working camera to make a great game. I can't recommend this game enough.

3. Anubis II
This is the exact same game as Ninjabread Man, yet at the same time is so much better. Such brilliant game design could only come from the masterminds at Data Design Interactive.

This changed my life
This changed my life
2. Charlie's Angels
This developer would go on to make the Cocoto games. Unfortunately they were never able to top Charlie's Angels.

1. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
This game changed the way I looked at life. Developer Stellar Stone took a simple concept and managed to wrap an amazing story around it. Big Rigs proves that no matter what the world throws at you, no obstacle is insurmountable. Just plow on through. Nothing can stop you from the ultimate goal of becoming winner.