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madbluetabla: Favorites

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  • "Railroad Tycoon 3 eliminates some of tedious micromanagement of previous games in the series, and is the first to use a 3d engine. Arguably the definitive 'tycoon' series, anybody interested in strategy games with a single-player focus should find something for them here." (PC)

  • "Ambitious free-roaming-RPG that created a huge and loyal following in Germany and Eastern Europe." (PC)

  • "The fourth title in the Elder Scrolls franchise, Oblivion is an immersive, open world, action-oriented role-playing game developed by Bethesda Softworks for the PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3." (PC)

  • "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is the third game in Bethesda's open-ended role-playing series. In addition to improved graphics and gameplay, Morrowind features a smaller but more highly detailed and world than its predecessors." (PC)

  • "Mafia is a sandbox style, third-person action game set in a fictional city of Lost Heaven in 1930s and tells the epic story of Tommy Angelo´s rise to the highest ranks of mafia." (PC)

  • "A celebrated cyberpunk-themed first-person role playing game, Deus Ex put players behind the shades of JC Denton, an operative thrust into a world of byzantine global conspiracies." (PC)

  • "GTA: San Andreas opens with a 90s west coast gangster feel, but by the end of the game you'll practically run an entire state by yourself." (PC)

  • "Zeus focuses on the building and development of a city in Ancient Greece. It features improvements to the Caesar III engine, most notably the new housing blocks." (PC)

  • "A compilation of games from Valve, save the world in Half Life 2, and episodes 1 and 2, start thinking with portals, and spend some quality time with the Cube in the mind-bending puzzle game, Portal. Let yourself go in the Pixar-style multiplayer shooter, Team Fortress 2." (PC)

  • "Take on the role of Gordon Freeman as he escapes the disastrous aftermath of an experiment gone wrong in the Black Mesa Research Facility." (PC)